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反戰・厭戰:戰鼓聲中的台北愛情故事--川合三良小說〈婚約〉--(Anti-War and War Weariness: A Taipei Love Story During the Drums of War in Kawai Saburou’s novel Engagement)
反 戦・厭戦: 戦時下の台北ラブストーリー― 川合三良の小説「婚約」―
There has been relatively little research published on the works of the Taiwan-based Japanese author Kawai Saburou. Along with Zhou Jin-bo, author of Volunteer Soldier, Kawai was awarded the inaugural Bungei Taiwansho (Taiwan Literary Arts Award) for works such as School Transfer, A Certain Time, and Engagement. Of the three, Engagement was the most highly praised. After the war, Yeh Shih-tao noted that Engagement focuses on the suffering of young Japanese men and women, writing that it contains “not a single word praising the Japanese war of aggression” and therefore takes a somewhat anti-war position. That said, how can “anti-war” and “award-winning” both coexist in a novel written against the backdrop of the Pacific War? This paper proceeds from this problematic, focusing on key tensions in Engagement: the contrast in the text between daily life and extraordinary events, the front lines and the rear; the antagonism between the expansive expression of war weariness and anti-war sentiments on the one hand and the constrictive social context on the other; and the relationship between Kawai’s communist turn and his ordeals on the battlefield. I also consider Kawai’s experiences and thinking before coming to Taiwan and examine the historical implications of Engagement. Reference is made to other award-winning works, Kawai’s postwar participation in the Japanese Democratic Literary Alliance and social movements, as well as his anti-war and Taiwan writings. I show that Kawai foregrounds the atrocity of war by contrasting the physical and mental suffering of soldiers on the front lines with the ordinary happiness of those on the home front. At the same time, Kawai’s personal experiences and his turn to the left are projected into the writing, allowing him to introduce carefully concealed ideas about war weariness into the text, but only in an extremely restrained way. Forced to cater to the social context of the time, anti-war sentiment and war weariness were necessarily expressed on the level of the personal rather than the political. It is this constantly thwarted desire to speak that constitutes the prevailing tone of Engagement.
起訖頁 257-285
關鍵詞 反戰厭戰川合三良〈婚約〉轉向anti-warwar wearinessKawai SaburouEngagementchanging beliefs反戦厭戦川合三良「婚約」転向
刊名 台灣日語教育學報  
期數 202212 (39期)
出版單位 台灣日本語文學會
該期刊-上一篇 探討川端文學的救贖性 --以掌中小說 「習性的解脫」為中心-- (Exploring the Redemption of Kawabata Literature:Focusing on the Palm-of-the-Hand Stories 'The Liberation of Habit')




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