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A Study of Employment Privacy and Discrimination Issues Involved in Interviewing Job Candidates Using Artificial Intelligence Video Interviewing Technology: A Review of the Illinois Artificial Intelligence Video Interview
採行傳統人工面試之企業,勢必面對冗長面試程序之人事、時間及金錢三高成本。拜人工智慧技術進步之賜,國內外企業已推出多種人工智慧影像面試技術,企業可藉由該面試技術逐步取代傳統人工面試。然而,此類人工智慧影像面試技術多會涉及蒐集、分析求職者個人資料即微表情之行為,進而產生是否違反我國就業服務法第5 條第1 項就業歧視,以及同條第2 項第2 款侵害求職者隱私資料之法律爭議。本文探討企業應用該面試技術於適用就業服務法第5 條第1 項及第2 項第2 款之合法性,並參考美國伊利諾州制定之人工智慧影像面試法,擇其著重之「透明性」優點,作為我國相關法制修法建議,俾適時因應時代科技變化之趨勢。
Enterprises using traditional manual interviewing methods are bound to face the high costs associated with personnel, time, and money involved in the lengthy interviewing process. Thanks to the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, domestic and overseas industries have introduced a variety of AI technology-based interviewing services that may gradually replace the lengthy processes of traditional face to face interviewing.
This paper asserts that because such AI technology collects or processes the personal information of job applicants, legal disputes may ensue on whether the technology violates the privacy of job applicants or even whether it leads to employment discrimination. From the perspective of Taiwan’s existing laws and regulations, it is worth discussing whether the use of such technology may violate Article 5, Section 1 of the Employment Service Act and Section 2, Paragraph 2 of the same Article.
This paper attempts to illustrate the development of AI video interviewing technology through an empirical study, and examines whether the use of such interviewing technology in Taiwan is in line with Taiwan’s Employment Service Act.
This paper then compares the Taiwanese provisions to those of the Illinois Artificial Intelligence Video Interview Act as a means to provide suggestions for relevant amendments to the Employment Service Act of Taiwan, specifically to meet the needs of emerging technology trends.
起訖頁 55-74
關鍵詞 人工智慧影像面試就業服務法第5條就業歧視隱私資料微表情美國伊利諾州人工智慧影像面試法Artificial Intelligence Video InterviewEmployment Service Act Article 5employment discriminationprivacy informationmicro-expressionsArtificial Intelligence Video Interview ActIllinoisU.S.A.
刊名 律師法學期刊  
期數 202212 (8期)
出版單位 臺北律師公會
該期刊-上一篇 自民事觀點分析公平交易法──平臺經濟所啟發之省思




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