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The Civil Law Perspective upon the Taiwan Fair Trade Law: A New Perspective Arising from the Digital Platform Economic
作者 包國祥
公平交易法(以下簡稱「公平法」)施行超過30 年鮮有民事求償個案。本文先透過民法觀點去觀察公平法,蒐集法院實務判決與相關資訊,希望透過我國公平法、行政法與民法責任角度觀察公平法,也因公平交易委員會(以下簡稱公平會)正處平臺經濟不宜過早行政介入但又無法坐視不管之困局,透過此平臺經濟顛覆性影響帶來之啟發,本文也可確認重新發掘甚至改良公平法民事責任機制之重要性,此間改良措施也包括善加利用專業仲裁機制,諒可解決法院與公平會對市場界定與競爭分析出現歧見等難題。
In Taiwan practice, the fact that there is only a limited amount of civil claim cases arising under the Fair Trade Law (FTL) is worthy of studying. This article probes into the perspective of civil law upon the FTL and tries to establish several civil-law issues under the FTL. By this studying, the article finds the possibility and appropriateness of utilizing the civil dispute system for providing Taiwan Fair Trade Commission with a new alternative resolution for Digital Platform Economic Antitrust, especially by the encouragement of arbitration system (including the enactment of professional arbitration). With the new perspective arising from the platform economics, the improved civil dispute settlement system might also avoid the different results of the market definition and competition analysis by the FTC and civil court.
起訖頁 39-53
關鍵詞 公平法民事案件競爭關係行政介入平臺經濟仲裁civil case under fair trade lawcompetitionadministrative interventiondigital platform economicarbitration
刊名 律師法學期刊  
期數 202212 (8期)
出版單位 臺北律師公會
該期刊-上一篇 從保險業裁罰案探討利害關係人交易之四大程序作業
該期刊-下一篇 人工智慧影像面試所涉就業隱私與就業歧視之研究──兼論美國伊利諾州人工智慧影像面試法




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