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USR & CSR合作共創漁村創生價值之策略與實踐:以屏東漁村為例
Strategies and Practices of USR & CSR Co-Creating the Value of Fish Village Revitalization: Take Pingtung Fish Villages as an Example
作者 宋威穎李筱倩 (Hsiao-Chien Lee)劉文宏
大學與企業如何協力解決地方課題並善盡社會責任是重要趨勢。高科大USR團隊長期深耕屏東漁鄉,所推動「USR & CSR合作共創漁村地方創生機制」是教育部USR實踐團隊在產業連結與經濟永續上成功案例。本研究嘗試從地方利害關係人間觀點及行動研究途徑,了解團隊在屏東漁鄉推動USR & CSR合作過程中遭遇之困難,所發展出之協力合作機制與實踐成果,以作為USR連結CSR合作之參考。本研究透過文本資料、參與式觀察、焦點訪談與深度訪談過程發現:一、團隊透過持續溝通逐步改變利害關係人及團體組織產業發展之本位思維;二、團隊運用多元溝通與培力模式如辦理焦點座談、培力講座與小漁業者拜訪,降低不同利害關係人間認知差異並提高合作意願;三、USR & CSR合作共創漁村創生機制有助提升大學師生在地認同與CSR企業形象聲譽,也有助漁村養殖產業發展。
That universities and corporations take their social responsibilities has been a trend in society. The University Social Responsibility (USR) program conducted by the Marine Affair Team at National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (NKUST) has long helped with the welfare of Lin-bian and Jia-dong Township. The mechanism that USR & CSR (Corporation Social Responsibility) combined to promote local revitalization is one of the second-term model projects implemented by the Ministry of Education. From various stakeholders' perspectives, such as those of the university team, local fish farmers, and corporations, the present study attempts to find out the following: the difficulties, the collaboration developed, and the results of the social practices when such mechanism is formed. The findings shall help the research team to come up with suggestions for follow-up moves. Research data such as documentation, observations, focus interviews are collected and analyzed. The findings are the following: 1. Different teams have to communicate constantly to discard their old thoughts; 2. Multiple methods including focus group discussions, empowerment workshops, and visits with small fish farmers help to facilitate new thinking and cooperations' willingness to collaborate; 3. The mechanism combining USR and CSR to help with fish village revitalization contributes to bring benefits to university teachers and students, fish villages, and corporations.
起訖頁 133-170
關鍵詞 大學社會責任企業社會責任漁村價值共創University Social ResponsibilityCooperate Social ResponsibilityFish VillageValue Co-Creation
刊名 國家發展研究  
期數 202211 (22:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學國家發展研究所
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣推動國際外援之跨文化影響因素:東南亞的在地觀點




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