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EU Electronic Communications Legal Framewor k and Practices on the Issues of Applying Competition Law to Infrastructure Sharing in Broadband Era
作者 魏杏芳
The emerging convergence of fixed lines and mobile networks, coupled with a shift in the sector’s environment brought by technological innovations, has made the roll-out of electronic communications infrastructure critical for the realization of a digitalized country. Taiwan’s telecommunications laws and regulations urgently need to be amended and upgraded to be in line with the demand of industrial development. The newest version of Taiwan’s Telecommunications Management Act, which was said to have adopted the principles of governance modeling used in the EU electronic communications frameworks, was first published in 2019 and came into force in 2020. Competition law principles had been introduced and incorporated into the current EU electronic communications legal framework and therefore any the ex-ante regulatory measure taken by the national regulatory authority should take into account the competition policy. Excepting a few markets where the level of competition is not sufficient, the rest of the electronic communications markets which have been fully liberalized shall be ruled by completion law in the EU. For the purpose of realizing a digital single market strategy for Europe, the 2018 European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) has made a shift in legislation policy from emphasizing the importance of competition to adding more weight on investment. Also, the concept of symmetric regulation, instead of imposing asymmetric obligations on undertakings with significant market power, will be applied in order to help the roll-out of “very high capacity networks, VHCNs) in Europe. The so-called “infrastructure sharing” within the EECC consists of the “fixed lines co-investment” between undertakings and the “mobile network sharing”. Infrastructure sharing agreements with competition concerns will be examined according to the Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union as well as the “Horizontal Cooperation Agreement Guidelines”. In Taiwan, the frequency and network sharing between Far EasTone (FET) and Asia Pacific Telecom (APT) is the first local case for infrastructure sharing. Due to the fact that those two competing enterprises will share the financial contributions for the construction of 5G radio access network and the cost for the right to the spectrum, the cooperation agreement concerned could be classified as “active sharing” and hence is under more vigorous scrutiny by the National Communications Commission (NCC) and the Fair Trade Commission (FTC). FET and APT should apply for the permission from both the NCC and FTC, respectively. However, the nature and the purposes of those two parallel procedures are distinctive from each other according to respective authorizing laws and responsibilities these two bodies have to fulfill. There is no overlap on the functioning and enforcement between the two authorities and therefore Article 46 of Fair Trade Act, which is for the choice of applicable law between the FTA and other regulatory statutes, will not be applied.
起訖頁 31-74
關鍵詞 電信管理法歐洲電子通訊指令超高容量網路對稱管制共同投資基礎設施共享Telecommunications Management ActEuropean Electronic Communications Code (EECC)Very High Capacity Networks (VHCNs)Symmetric Co InvestmentInfrastructure Sharing
刊名 臺灣科技法學叢刊  
期數 202201 (3期)
出版單位 財團法人資訊工業策進會科技法律研究所
該期刊-上一篇 我國之營業秘密保護新世代策略——以定暫時狀態處分為中心
該期刊-下一篇 論資料在地化立法




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