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Pre-service Teachers' Application Strategies for Developing and Designing Digital Learning Materials
作者 陳奕璇
The present study used the qualitative approachto explore how the pre-service teachers applied the ADDIE to developing digital learning materials. Moreover, this study investigated the relationships between the ADDIE and the pre-service teachers' TK and TCK. Findings showed that: (1) in the analysis stage, the pre-service teachers with experiences in teaching practice may conduct pupils' needs analysis based on literature review and pupils' cognitive abilities of information processes; (2) in the design stage, the pre-service teachers without teaching experiences tended to use the strategies for teaching plans, associated with the ideas of gaming flowcharts and infographic design, to design their digital learning materials;(3) in the development stage, the pre-service teachers with strong skills in visual design took responsibilities for reviewing the overall group design;(4) in the implementation stage, managing the test with four users was considered to be the effective and valid approach to gaining the information for improving the prototype;(5) in the evaluation stage, keeping notes and reflection served as the effective strategies for leading the following modification; and (6) the ADDIE model could be helpful for the pre-service teachers' development of TK and TCK, and may have a more positive impact on TK.
起訖頁 141-170
關鍵詞 ADDIE師資培育數位學習媒材ADDIEpre-service teacher educationdigital learning materials
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202211 (3:6期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 從素養導向教科書分析探討師資生課程與教學素養新挑戰:以國中社會領域為例
該期刊-下一篇 國小教師員額編制與運用之研究:以合理教師員額增置計畫為例




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