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Exploring the New Challenges of Preservice Teachers' Curriculums and Instruction Competencies by Analyzing Competency-Based Textbooks: An Analysis of the Social Field in Junior High School
作者 黃儒傑 (Ju-Chieh Huang)
Following the implementation of the 12-year National Basic Education Curriculum, textbooks were transformed according to a competency-based design. This brings new challenges to primary and secondary schools and teacher education. Therefore, this paper analyzes the current situation of textbook competency-based design to explore the curriculum and instruction competencies required by preservice teachers in response to the competency-based design of textbooks. In this way, this study will serve as a reference for teacher education. This paper established the checklist dimensions of compenteny-based textbook from relevant literature and analyzed the current situation of competency-based design of textbooks in the social field of junior high school. The textbook editions included Kangxuan edition and Hanlin edition of social field textbooks for grades 7-9. This study produced four major findings. First, guiding students to contextualized learning and employing appropriate learning methods and strategies are necessary instruction competencies for preservice teachers. Second, the curriculum competencies of interdisciplinary integration and knowledge-ability integration design are professional competencies that preservice teachers need to continuously development. Third, possess the teaching competencies of implementing guided and open inquiry learning, which will help preservice teachers to exhibit their personal teaching characteristics. Finally, deepening the learning of students' practice and action as well as interaction and cooperation is a instruction competency that cannot be ignored by preservice teachers. Based on the above findings, this paper provides suggestions for teacher education in response to the new challenges of curriculum and instruction competencies mandated by the literacy-oriented design of textbooks.
起訖頁 113-139
關鍵詞 十二年國民基本教育素養導向教科書師資培育12-year National Basic Education Curriculumcompetency-based textbookteacher education
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202211 (3:6期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 以符號互動論觀點檢視實習教師教育實習後教師角色定義之轉變
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