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An analysis of carbon conservation of forest fires prevention under climate change
作者 陳勇至莊晴柳婉郁 (Wan-Yu Liu)
Most researches indicates that climate change is an indisputable fact that is happening in the world, and consider it to be the greatest challenge in human history. It is widely believed that anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are largely responsible for accelerating this process. Therefore, countries need to find solutions urgently to mitigate climate change. Forests are undoubtedly one of the most effective and easiest ways to provide carbon sinks. The conservation of the carbon is achieved by preserving the carbon in the forest resources and preventing the releasing of carbon into the atmosphere. However, forest fires not only reduces the overall volume of the timber harvested, but also leads to the loss of forest carbon conservation. This study aims to discuss the benefits of forest fire prevention and strategies of control carbon conservation from the perspective of forest fire control and prevention, and to estimate the loss of carbon conservation caused by forest fires using secondary data and binary Logistic regression empirical model methods. The results showed that if forest fire prevention and control reduced the incidence of forest fires by 25%-75%, about 396,694.88-290,084.63 NTD per year if carbon conservation benefits can be generated. The risk prediction results showed that the monthly average temperature and monthly rainfall had a negative and significant relationship with the probability of forest fires. The results of this study showed that the prevention of forest fires had benefit effects and helped to mitigate climate change. We suggested that the government should establish a carbon trading platform, pay attention to the carbon conservation benefits of forests, and formulate relevant management regulations and trading systems, integrating greenhouse gas emissions management and carbon trading platforms, and encourage people and society to take actions to adapt to effects of climate change.
起訖頁 283-302
關鍵詞 碳保存森林火災(林火)氣候變遷效益評估carbon sinkwildfireglobal warmingevaluatin
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 202212 (44:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 應用計畫行為理論探討原住民參與溪流巡護之行為──以山美社區為例
該期刊-下一篇 金門植物誌補遺




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