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Examining the Construction of Taiwan Literary History and its Meanings in the Postwar Period
作者 林巾力
Taiwan Literary History is the first step in learning about Taiwanese literature. It not only defines the category ‘Taiwanese Literature’ but also gives a means for tracing Taiwanese literature’s historical origins and directing its future course. Although literary history is undeniably vital in studying Taiwanese literature, there is significant disagreement on how such history should be built, written, and critically evaluated. This is due to internal debates over the genre of “literary history” and the complex entanglements that anyone attempting to interpret “Taiwan” must handle. Thus, this study begins with an overview of some of the fundamental themes in literary history, then analyzes the difficulties of constructing Taiwanese literary histories before giving a historiographical analysis of the courses and forms of such endeavors. During the process, the following questions will be thoroughly investigated: What socio-cultural developments influenced the writing of Taiwanese literary histories? How are these literary histories constructed at a textual level? How did literary history from the past influence those from later and present times? By addressing these subjects, this study seeks to update some of the more calcified ideas of Taiwanese Literary History and make space for fresh and alternative readings.
起訖頁 185-218
關鍵詞 臺灣文學史臺灣文學抗日中國化臺灣意識Taiwan Literary HistoryTaiwan LiteratureCounter-JapaneseSinicizationTaiwanese Consciousness
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202209 (78期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 寰宇之旅:吳濁流《談西說東》的跨文化論述
該期刊-下一篇 從《考工記》探王安憶「微物」書寫的抵達之謎




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