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Qu Yuan Interpretation and Self-Presentation in Guo Moruo’s Plays“Xiang Lei”and Qu Yuan
作者 吳旻旻
Guo Moruo wrote two plays about Qu Yuan: “Xiang Lei” (1920) and Qu Yuan (1942). This paper compares the historical contexts and examines how Guo interprets Qu Yuan’s image and responds to contemporary issues in two very different contexts. Guo wrote “Xiang Lei” in the collection The Goddesses while studying in Japan, combining his personal and collective experiences and embodying the May Fourth Movement’s fervent search for “self” and “poetry.” The image of Qu Yuan combines Qu Yuan, Faust, and himself, with images of night and death emphasizing their similarities and differences. Guo, the KMT Cultural Affairs Department’s director and a recently celebrated scholar and writer, published his historical drama Qu Yuan in Chongqing in 1942. Thus, this paper examines Qu Yuan’s image in the play, which not only echoes the anti-war theme but also includes Communist Party and Kuomintang political propaganda; it also highlights Guo’s inner contradiction to “New literature/Old literature,” “Elite literature/Popular literature,” and “Heroism/Populism” emerged.
起訖頁 73-114
關鍵詞 屈原郭沫若五四抗戰文學革命Qu YuanGuo MoruoMay Fourth MovementAnti-Japanese WarLiterary Revolution
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202209 (78期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 屈萬里《詩經》前後異詮論考
該期刊-下一篇 「新竹寺」的歷史紋理、社會實踐及其場所性




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