英文摘要 |
ウクライナ戦争に対して、中国は2022年秋の党大会を念頭に国内への影響を最小限に抑えるべく、既存の内外政策を否定せず、中露関係、米中関係、そして他の新興国、開発途上国などの動向を見極め対応している。しかし、ロシアに寄り添いながらも一定の距離を取ろうとする中国に対して、アメリカなど先進国は「力による現状変更」をする勢力として中露を一括して扱おうとする。このような状況は東アジアにも大きな影響を与えている。日本は、ウクライナ戦争でロシアが勝利すれば東アジアでも「力による現状変更」が生じることを懸念し、またここで関与を強めなければ東アジアの「有事」に際して欧米先進国からの支持が得られないと判断し、対露経済制裁など先進国との共同歩調を重視する。だが、このような政策は東アジアでの中露と日本との緊張関係をますことになる。将来の東アジア地域の安定のためにポストコロナ、ポストウクライナの適切な地域構想の策定と実行が求められる。 This article explores the main factors of China in decision making on foreign policy towards the Ukraine war in 2022, and their influences on Sino-Japanese relations. Four factors are pointed out: Domestic policy, Russo-Chinese relations, US-China relations, and China's policy for developing and emerging countries based on its concept of new international relations. These four factors limit the options of China during the Ukraine war, and eventually China adopts a more complex and incomprehensible policy. This means that China's stance is different from Russia, though advanced countries including Japan, recognizes the fact that China supports Russia, as well as both China and Russia pursue their national interests and change status-quo by force. Additionally, this article shares how the Ukraine war influences the international circumstances of East Asia. Russia stopped the negotiation of Russo-Japanese peace treaty and energy project of Sakhalin II., as well as Russia and China engage in joint military activities around Japan. Furthermore, during the Ukraine war, China's military pressure toward Taiwan is getting more tense, with Japanese politicians and the society paying strong attention on the Taiwan Strait. China also recognizes the Tsai administration as the "enemy" to pursue independence, while both the US and Japan support this matter. The tension of Sino-Japanese relations have also been increased during the war, but this bilateral relation has strong economic supply chains that is expected to be motivation to improve the such relations. |