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The Design and Practice of PBL (Problem-Based Learning) Tasks: The Case of Geographic Perspectives (the Southern Region)
作者 孫細洪偉豪
如何才能有效落實地理科素養導向的教與學?108 課綱實施後,地理科的教育哲學與學習方法從整合模式,轉而以 PBL 學習法為主。PBL 學習法為什麼會成為地理教育教學實踐的重要學習法?PBL學習法的理念與實施有何特色?PBL學習法在地理教育中可以如何設計與實踐?PBL法能否有助於學生達到「分析問題、解決問題」學習表現?為了釐清上述問題,本研究以 PBL 學習法進行地理課程的實驗教學,以地理視野—南方區域為學習內容,以學習表現「地 3a-Ⅴ-2 分析問題形成的背景與內涵,提出解決問題的可能策略。」作為學習目的。該實驗教學企圖透過南方區域的學習,培養分析問題和解決問題的學習表現。實驗教學後的成果顯示:PBL 學習法的確有助於培養解決問題的能力,且能達到持久理解和遷移應用之效益。但解決問題的能力與學生素質和基礎知識能力相關,在有限的時間壓力下,解決問題的能力培養與基礎知識能力的建構難以兩全,倘若解決問題能力為未來人才培育之重點,建議教師進行學習活動須根據學科本質與學習目標,擬定核心問題,提取重要學習重點,揚棄取材周全的習慣,而重要基礎知識的學習可藉由自主學習來加強或進行延伸學習。至於自主學習的實踐方式,則有賴進一步的探究。
How can we effectively implement the competency-based teaching and learning of geography? Since the implementation of the 108 curriculum guidelines, the educational philosophy and pedagogy in geography have turned towards Problem-based Learning (PBL), based on an integrated teaching model. What we are curious about is why PBL has suddenly become an important learning method in the teaching practice of geography. What are actually the characteristics of the concept and implementation of PBL? How can PBL lessons be designed and implemented in geography education? Can PBL help students demonstrate the learning performance of “analyzing and solving problems”? In order to clarify the aforementioned problems, the researchers utilized PBL methods to implement experimental geography classes, with the geographic perspective (the southern region) used as learning materials and with the learning performance (analyzing the background and content of the problem and proposing possible strategies to solve the problem) working as learning objectives. Through learning from the southern region, the experimental teaching attempted to develop students’ learning performances in analyzing and solving problems. Following this teaching experiment, the results show that PBL was indeed helpful in cultivating the students’ problem-solving ability. However, their problem-solving ability was rather predominantly related to the students’ quality and basic geographic knowledge. Experiencing pressure from a time limit, how can teachers strike a balance between the development of the students’ problem-solving ability and the construction of their basic knowledge? If problem-solving ability is the focus of future talent cultivation, it is highly recommended that teachers should base students’ learning activities on the nature of their academic subjects and learning objectives, write essential questions, and extract important learning points rather than explain everything down to the last detail. As far as the acquisition of important basic knowledge is concerned, self-guided learning can be used to strengthen or extend students’ learning. However, how we help students engage in their self-guided learning is another case and leaves considerable room for inquiry.
起訖頁 81-110
關鍵詞 問題導向學習整合教學模式地理視野學習表現南方區域problem-based learningintegrated teaching modelgeographic perspectivelearning performancethe Southern region
刊名 地理研究  
期數 202205 (75期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 培育社會參與素養學習方法的行動研究──以地理資訊單元的教學為例
該期刊-下一篇 培養問題意識的學習方法:探究與實作的行動研究




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