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Multi-Assessment of the Problem-Based Learning Teaching Activities in Senior High School Geography Curriculum: Taking“the World System”Unit as an Example
作者 謝承霖吳承修
The purpose of the research is to explore the functions and the implementation problems with different evaluation tools used in competency-based teaching activities of senior high school geography courses. The study reviewed the literature of multi-assessment and competency-based tests. The “world system” unit of the Geography Required Curriculum was taken as an example in this study. The action research used the problem-based learning method to design teaching activities and multi-assessments. The results show that implementing rubrics-based evaluation can effectively examine the learning performance of students in different aspects and better understand the learning internalization of learners. However, problems still exist in practice such as insufficient time, uneven division of labor and varied levels of involvement between learners. In addition, teachers need to improve the validity of the rubrics. In terms of written tests, due to the emphasis on the assessment of personal cognitive ability, there is no significant difference in the assessment performance of the learners between the problem-based learning (PBL) method and the traditional lecture. Therefore, multi-assessments can examine the learning performance of students in different aspects. This research suggests that if teachers can appropriately increase the proportion of PBL teaching activities and implement evaluations depending on course progress and students’ proficiency, they can better enable the learners to achieve different aspects of their learning performance.
起訖頁 23-52
關鍵詞 問題導向學習法素養導向教學多元評量評量規準地理教育problem-based learningcompetence-based teachingmulti-assessmentrubricsgeography education
刊名 地理研究  
期數 202205 (75期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 Geography Engaged: Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of the Land Tenure-Ecosystem Services Feedback Loop
該期刊-下一篇 培育社會參與素養學習方法的行動研究──以地理資訊單元的教學為例




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