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School of Tomorrow for Aboriginal Students: Talent Development Perspective
作者 呂金燮劉亞汶
In the past two decades, the concerns about indigenous education have dramatically increased. The issues regarding indigenous education have shifted from institutional education issues to educational projects, providing the development and possibilities for indigenous pedagogy. For a long time, the modernity schooling system have caused the fracture of aboriginal culture and unequal education of aboriginal students. Educators from academic, practice, and policy, are actively constructing a system of effective educational models for the aboriginal students. From the socio-cultural perspective, this article analyzes the talent development and the schooling practices of aboriginal students based on the long-term aboriginal education experience and field observations of research. Based on Dewey's framework of "School of Tomorrow," three important aspects that constitute the aboriginal school of tomorrow are proposed: implementing the aboriginal belief system to build personal achievement goal, implementing the aboriginal cultural as the curriculum map of social practice , and using aboriginal culture to redefine the concept and standards of teacher education. Finally, the possible inspirations of aboriginal cultural to Taiwan's education, and the theoretical and practical suggestions for the educators who concerned about the learning of aboriginal students are provided in the conclusion.
起訖頁 177-192
關鍵詞 原住民族實驗教育人才發展社會文化觀點aboriginalexperimental educationtalent developmentsocial-culture perspective
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202207 (3:4期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 原住民族文化融入幼兒STEAM教學設計之探究
該期刊-下一篇 啟導深度學習的素養導向教學實踐:MAPS的個案研究




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