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The Strategy and Problem on the Structure of Corporate Governance for State Owned Enterprise in Local Area
作者 劉春陽
地方國有企業改革雖然按照要求建立起了從股東大會、董事會到經理層的治理結構,但由於地方國企的公司治理的基本理論大部分都是借鑒國外,導致了地方國有企業公司治理結構沒有發揮出它應有的作用。最為主要的問題就是股權結構不合理,國有股所占比重過大。監事會權利不足,沒發揮其有效監督董事會和經理的權利。對此,我們必須保持國有企業股權多元化,同時從法律上確保董事會、監事會的權責不被損害。由於國有企業公司治理結構存在的諸多不足,產生這些問題的原因有很多。因此,找出這些原因在什麼地方,從而找出一條使公司治理結構真正發生作用、高速運轉的途 徑和方法,成為我們亟待解決的一個問題。
Although the reform of local state-owned enterprises has established a governance structure from the shareholders' meeting, the board of directors to the management level, most of the basic theories of corporate governance of local state-owned enterprises are borrowed from foreign countries, resulting in the failure of the corporate governance structure of local state-owned enterprises. out what it's supposed to do. The main problem is that the shareholding structure is unreasonable and the proportion of state-owned shares is too large. The supervisory board has insufficient power and fails to exert its power to effectively supervise the board of directors and managers. In this regard, we must maintain the diversification of the equity of state-owned enterprises, and at the same time legally ensure that the rights and responsibilities of the board of directors and the board of supervisors are not compromised. Due to the many deficiencies in the corporate governance structure of state-owned enterprises, there are many reasons for these problems. Therefore, it is an urgent problem for us to find out where these reasons are, so as to find a way and method to make the corporate governance structure work and operate at a high speed.
起訖頁 23-36
關鍵詞 地方國有公司治理公司股東股東大會社會化董事local stateCorporate Governancecompany shareholderShareholders' meetingsocial director
刊名 中國地方自治  
期數 202208 (75:8期)
出版單位 中國地方自治學會
該期刊-上一篇 雙北地區保全業者之防疫作為




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