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The Actions of Epidemic Prevention of Security Operators in Taipei and New Taipei City
作者 陳錦明劉育偉魏志豪
In recent years, in response to COVID-19, the government has established an epidemic command center to carry out border control and epidemic prevention materials control measures. The government wants to use these methods to control the spread of the epidemic. In the community part, the security operator has become the last line of defense against community transmission. This study is to explore the relationship between the property management industry and related practitioners and epidemic prevention. This article hopes to understand whether there is an impact, gap or dilemma between the demand side of epidemic prevention and the implementation of property management. Therefore, this study uses a qualitative expert questionnaire interview research method, and takes communities in Taipei and New Taipei City as examples to explore the professional knowledge, professional skills and executive ability, education and training, community support and recognition of security operators in epidemic prevention. Through the above-mentioned parts, it establishes the demand and necessity of the four dimensions. At the same time, this paper also provides practical suggestions based on the conclusions and the characteristics of each aspect, hoping to provide a reference for the security industry's epidemic prevention in response to the management and strategies of other epidemics in the future.
起訖頁 3-22
關鍵詞 雙北市保全業者社區防疫Taipei and New Taipei Citysecuritycommunityepidemic prevention
刊名 中國地方自治  
期數 202208 (75:8期)
出版單位 中國地方自治學會
該期刊-上一篇 論指導教授指導論文撰寫的有限責任
該期刊-下一篇 地方國有企業公司治理結構問題與對策




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