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Roadmaps of G.I Tags in India vis-à-vis Legal Implications and International Position of G.I Tag
Roadmaps of G.I Tags in India vis-à-vis Legal Implications and International Position of G.I Tag
作者 Tripti BhushanDr. Amit Anand
This article examined GI as an Intellectual Property Right ( in India. In doing this, the author will mention about the concept of GI and other concepts an d terminologies related with GI. The research paper will discuss about the implications and non legal implications of G.I Tag as an IPR. To give legal rights to the people whose trade or craft come available only due to their geographical factors, the gove rnment provides Geographical Indications or GI Tag. The author also put forth that the G.I holders must rethink and work on their strategies to get the desired success and further development .The paper will also focus on the evolution of G.I in India and its importance as well. The paper will then examine the existing approaches required for protection of G.I as well as the existing legal framework for GI protection in India, its procedure for Registration and other proposed bills meant to aid the developm ent of IP in India. It then critically appraised India’s traditional cultural expressions/traditional knowledge and agricultural produce as the subject matter of GI protection. More so, the article analyzed the challenges facing developing countries with r egards to GI protection. In keeping with the tradition of legal writing, the researchers adopt the doctrinal approach for the purpose of this research.
起訖頁 40-52
關鍵詞 Geographical IndicationTagTraditionImplicationslegal
刊名 NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management  
期數 202206 (11:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北科技大學智慧財產權研究所
該期刊-上一篇 The Copyright and Her History
該期刊-下一篇 Urgency of Deposit Microorganism for Patent Biotechnology Protection in Indonesia




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