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From street protests to conversational and discourses–Indigenous media workers' anti-ethnic discrimination journey
作者 許志明
1980至1990年代,是原住民族上街頭爭取「原權」最風起雲湧的時代,而原住民族資深媒體工作者,則是當時「原運」時代的參與者和報導者。但即使原住民族已獲得正名25年了,在號稱「族群平權」的台灣社會,近年來仍然不斷發生族群歧視事件。在現今這個新媒體時代,原住民族媒體工作者在「反族群歧視」上,應該採取什麼樣的新策略或新戰術,才能有效和主流社會爭取文化領導權?本硏究借用批判理論進行族群歧視和原權運動的探討,並訪談10位原住民族資深電視媒體工作者,回顧他們自「原運期」、原民台成立之後「宣示期」到新媒體時代的「論述期」,在各階段中如何努力推動「反族群歧視」的歷程。同時本硏究也以原民台「反族群歧視」節目:《Lima 幫幫忙》第三季第1、2集,作為個案硏究標的,並訪談該節目製作人及執行企劃,以探討現階段原住民族媒體工作者,如何運用社會實驗、大數據分析及社群媒體,將「反刻板印象」、「反族群歧視」的概念化為節目內容,並與非原住民族進行善意溝通和對話的創新做法。本硏究經由分析與討論,提出四項具體建議,希冀能作為新媒體時代,弱勢團體或族群如何爭取自身論述主導權的一個參考。
The 1980s and 1990s were the most turbulent times when the indigenous peoples took to the streets to fight for the 'Indigenous Peoples rights', and the senior media workers of the indigenous peoples were the participants and reporters of the Indigenous movements era at that time. However, even though it has been 25 years since the indigenous peoples got their names right, in the Taiwanese society known as 'ethnic equality', incidents of ethnic discrimination have continued to occur in recent years. In this new media era, what new strategies or tactics should indigenous media workers adopt to fight against ethnic discrimination in order to effectively fight for cultural leadership with the mainstream society? This study uses critical theory to discuss ethnic discrimination and the Indigenous movements. We interviewed 10 senior indigenous media workers, looking back on how they worked hard to promote 'anti-ethnic discrimination' in each stage from the ' Indigenous Movement Period ' and the ' Declaration Period ' after the establishment of ' Taiwan Indigenous Television ' to the ' Discussion Period ' in the new media era.At the same time, the 'Anti-ethnic Discrimination' program of ' Taiwan Indigenous Television' : 'Lima Help' Season 3, Episode 1.2 is also used as a case study object to discuss how indigenous media workers use social experiments, big data analysis and social media, the concept of 'anti-stereotype' and 'anti-ethnic discrimination' is conceptualized into program content, and an innovative approach to conduct good will communication and dialogue with non-indigenous peoples. Through analysis and discussion, this study puts forward four specific suggestions, hoping to serve as a reference for disadvantaged groups or ethnic groups to strive for the dominance of their own discourse in the new media era.
起訖頁 21-59
關鍵詞 原住民族族群歧視原運批判理論indigenous peoplesethnic discriminationIndigenous movementcritical theory
刊名 人文社會學報  
期數 202207 (22期)
出版單位 世新大學人文社會學院
該期刊-上一篇 論魏晉士人的愛物情懷──以《世說新語》為例
該期刊-下一篇 溫庭筠〈菩薩蠻〉託寓新探──從「寓情草木」說溫詞中的「花」




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