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Innovative College Chinese: The Teaching Practice of Completing an Academic Report
作者 王秋今
College Chinese, a required two-credit course for the undergraduates at National Tsing Hua University, aims to reinforce students' ability to compose an academic report. Under the theme of natural writing, the teaching activity of the course integrates ecology into the objective of the course. The course College Chinese is implemented in five phases: "identifying the text," "establishing problems," "developing inference," "strengthening organization," and "completing the report." This course gradually sharpens students' writing ability through literary works. The students are required to complete an academic report by connecting natural writing with global ecological issues. Since 2006, College Chinese at National Tsing Hua University has been the first course in Taiwan teaching the composition of academic writing. The innovative teaching practice in this study is not only to complete an academic report and reinforce academic ethics but also to expand cross-culture and interdisciplinary academic perspective.
起訖頁 41-76
關鍵詞 大學中文自然書寫國立清華大學教學實踐學院報告College Chinesenatural writingNational Tsing Hua Universityteaching practiceacademic report
刊名 大學教學實務與研究學刊  
期數 202206 (6:1期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 ARCS學習動機論融入專題式學習於動態圖像設計課程之實踐與反思
該期刊-下一篇 創新大學中文:完成一篇學院報告的教學實踐




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