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A Study on The Relationship Between Color Energy and Human Design
作者 許又蘋
The application of color has related to our daily life. To survive, human beings used color as the basis to distinguish whether fruits or some meat and plants are edible. To the Anthroplithic Age, we can find the colorful paintings on the pottery. In ancient civilizations such as China, Egypt, Rome, and Greece, it can be found that the people decorated the interior of buildings or murals in caves with richer colors. More and more artists are using more colors to create their work. To improve the creative method, some people began to study the relationship between color and optics. The establishment of color theory was not until 1666 by the British physicist Newton's "Light Refraction Science Experiment". Research has found that colors have their own color language, such as red for enthusiasm and vitality, and blue for rationality and calmness. Color language and the application of the three attributes of color (hue, lightness and chroma) can present a richer effect. High brightness has a feeling of lightness, low brightness is a calm atmosphere, high chroma is powerful and dynamic, and low chroma is a peaceful atmosphere. Different combinations will bring different feelings to the viewers, so color psychology is developed. People can know their psychological trends through the color. With the advancement of science and technology, it has been discovered that there is an energy field (AURA) in the outer layer of the human body. The AURA correspond to the chakra theory, it is mentioned that the energy field of the human body consists of seven chakras. The nine energy centers in the human design correspond to the seven chakras. The imbalances in energy centers can lead to limiting beliefs and negative emotions. To adjust the energy center, this study uses the techniques of color harmony and color matching to match the colors corresponding to the energy centers. So that people can have a positive and pleasant feeling after watching, then adjust the state of the energy centers.
起訖頁 99-113
關鍵詞 色彩色彩能量人類圖ColorColor EnergyHuman Design
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 202205 (18:1期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-上一篇 李商隱其人其詩
該期刊-下一篇 「金門學」的學術內涵與國際視野




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