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The Warning Effect of Key Audit Matters: Real Earnings Management
作者 顏信輝陳慧玲 (Hui-Ling Chen)鄭楚媛
This study tests the warming effect of three key audit matters (accounts receivable, inventory, and revenue) on investors and managers, whether they transmit any warning effect information for current period real earnings management to the user, and the degree to which they affect earnings management of audited companies in subsequent periods. According to data of publicly listed companies in Taiwan between 2016 and 2019, empirical results show that after controlling corporate governance and relevant characteristics of auditors and companies, both receivable and inventory key audit matters have a positive correlation with the audited companies' current period real earnings management, and can indeed transmit warning effect information for current period earnings management. Moreover, they have a significantly limiting effect on subsequent period real earnings management of abnormal over-production costs. With additional analysis, this article further shows that the warning effect doesn't have significant difference between the companies with and without high motivation levels of earnings management, except for that the inventory KAM's warming effect of high motivation companies is stronger. In addition, this study shows that if KAM uses composite measures (such as summarizes different items) then the warning effect of individual KAM cannot be determined. This study supports the possibility that composite KAM can result in measurement bias and a distortion of research conclusions.
起訖頁 35-73
關鍵詞 關鍵查核事項實質盈餘管理警示效果Key audit mattersReal earnings managementWarning effect
刊名 會計審計論叢  
期數 202206 (12:1期)
出版單位 財團法人臺灣會計教育基金會
該期刊-上一篇 審計委員會出席開會成員的產業與會計專業背景以及任期門檻,對實質活動盈餘管理之影響
該期刊-下一篇 職能區分對盈餘資訊性之影響──以財會主管異動公司為例




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