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Prospects of Public Service Design in Taiwan
作者 鍾宜玲
The rising voice of democracy and the reform of public organizations has fostered the trend of public service design with an emphasis on citizen involvement, cross-boundary collaboration, co-creation, co-design, user experiences and value co-creation. The public has more urgent needs for and expectations of public social welfare services. There are also more opportunities to co-produce; hence more opportunities exist for value co-creation in services with a higher propensity for private value. Taiwan's success in containing the pandemic and improving public transportation in rural areas highlights the importance of service design and its notion of diversity and inclusion for public policy and innovation. However, additional empirical research is needed to know how to improve the process of service design, identify success factors and evaluate outcomes. In normal times, public organizations have to face numerous uncertainties and developing challenges. Managers should deal with these challenges in an earnest manner. Abandon the mentality of the bureaucrats and understand the public's needs. Dare to lead to build a society for the common good together.
起訖頁 133-145
關鍵詞 公共服務設計共同創造共同設計價值共創公共服務邏輯public service designco-creationco-designvalue co-creationpublic service logic
刊名 公共行政學報  
期數 202203 (62期)
出版單位 國立政治大學公共行政暨政策學系
該期刊-上一篇 既見林又見樹:臺灣金融機構搶案及其他犯罪防治的多元視角




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