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Effects of Teacher Guidance Based on Path–goal Theory on the Pass Rate of 5-year Associate Degree Nursing Students who Delayed Graduation
作者 蔡金杏劉英妹張文 (Wen Chang)黃湘萍
Background: Educational institutions must adopt the latest approaches and best practices to stay on the cutting edge and must also ensure that students’ needs are met. In the case of the discontinuation of a 5-year junior college program, institutions must help the students of the discontinued program to complete their academic credential after they have deferred graduation. Propose: This study applied leadership strategies, integrated school resources, devised an e-based curriculum platform, and established a clear guidance process for enhancing the effectiveness of teachers’ guidance of 5-year junior college program students who have deferred graduation. Method: This study conducted interviews with teachers who tutored deferred-graduation students to understand their difficulties and needs, and SWOT analysis was used to examine the current action strategy of enhancing teachers’ ability to guide students in five specialties who had deferred graduation. Results: Path–goal theory successfully improved teachers’ tutoring strategy; consequently, all the deferred-graduation 5-year junior college students met the graduation threshold and graduated successfully in the 2020 academic year. Conclusion: Applying path–goal theory as a foundational leadership strategy in the tutoring program effectively helped teachers to guide deferred-graduation students to complete their courses and graduate. Research originality/value: Chang Gung University of Science and Technology was the largest nursing college in northern Taiwan until the college was transformed into a university, at which time 5-year junior college programs were forced to stop enrolling students. The educators, however, continued to have an obligation to protect the students’ rights to be adequately taught and advised, and the school was responsible for providing guidance to the deferred-graduation students to enable them to graduate. The directors of the nursing department used path–goal theory to help teachers’ improve their guidance and advisory role; in turn, the teachers helped advise the deferred-graduation students on how to complete courses and graduate. The details of this study provide a reference on how to guide and advise similarly situated students in the future and how teachers can be equipped with the ability to do so.
起訖頁 19-32
關鍵詞 護理教育組織學習延修路徑目標理論nursing educationorganizational learningdeferred graduationpath-goal theory
刊名 長庚科技學刊  
期數 202206 (36期)
出版單位 長庚科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 透過USR計畫建立北海岸地區活躍老化模式
該期刊-下一篇 虛擬實境在護理教育應用之契機與挑戰:質性研究取向




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