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The Effect of Motion Infographics on the Learning of Third and Fourth Grade Resource Classes and Regular Classes in Elementary School
作者 蔡仕廷 (Shih-Ting Tsai)黃馨儀張登文
The elementary school system in Taiwan currently does not have dedicated learning content for the resource classes. As the existing worksheets and online resources designed for regular classes are often not applicable for resource classes, the teachers of resource classes need to develop their own materials to accommodate the diverse needs of students with various situations. To address the issue, this research aims to design a motion infographics system that serves as an additional resource for the resource classes, to improve the students' learning. Motion infographics combines the quality of infographics and motion graphic, in order to simplify the information presented and to create a deeper impression in the audience. The topic used in this study is carbon footprint, a highly recognized and commonly adopted concept across the globe. The experiment conducted in this research indicates that motion infographics are effective in teaching resource classes. Compared to the control group of the resource class, the experimental group of the resource class using the motion infographics system showed greatly improved exam scores and learning effectiveness. The experimental group from the resource class also demonstrated greater command and comprehension of the image shapes than that from the regular class.
起訖頁 31-48
關鍵詞 資源班資訊圖像設計動態資訊圖像資訊視覺化碳足跡Resource ClassInfographics DesignMotion InfographicsInformation VisualizationCarbon Footprint
刊名 圖書資訊學刊  
期數 202206 (20:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
該期刊-上一篇 集成式人工神經網絡模型於分類實務之可行性:以社群媒體之健康消費者資訊分類為例
該期刊-下一篇 藥品發展事件的公告,對藥廠市場價值之影響?以輝瑞公司為例




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