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Adjustments of Transit-Oriented Development Concepts under Popular Transport Mode Transfer between the Public Bicycle Sharing System and the Mass Rapid Transit System
作者 羅先豪孔令傑王博群李子璋
臺北市公共自行車系統的發展已具有捷運接駁最後一哩路的功能,本研究旨在探討在公共自行車轉乘捷運的架構下,大眾運輸導向發展(Transit-Oriented Development; TOD) 的策略如何因應捷運站服務距離擴大而調整。研究方法主要應用社會網絡分析的技術,了解捷運站與公共自行車租借站之互動反映在站點重要程度、轉乘距離以及空間分布的特性,藉以探討在公共自行車轉乘捷運之架構下,TOD 之因應策略;研究範圍及對象為臺北市的公共自行車租借站與捷運站,資料來源為臺北公共運輸電子票證資料庫。首先針對公共自行車借還及與捷運的轉乘關係建立社會網絡關係表,以程度中心度分析公共自行車租借站之重要程度;再針對轉乘關係探討公共自行車對捷運場站服務範圍的提升程度;另外以階層式集群分析將捷運站依轉乘特性分群,以及以社群偵測技術依租借站間之借還關係分群,並將這些社群分布視覺化呈現在地理空間中加以分析。研究顯示鄰接捷運站之公共自行車租借站的程度中心度顯著較高,公共自行車能延伸捷運站的服務範圍,市中心及郊區以公共自行車轉乘捷運的特性不同,且界定了緊密來往之租借站在空間上的集群範圍。研究結果有助於在擬定TOD 政策時判讀都市空間結構,建議在空間尺度上應考量公共自行車所延伸的服務範圍,依捷運站之轉乘特性及公共自行車借還之空間集群範圍,來做因「站」制宜及因地制宜的TOD 規劃。
This study explores the necessity of adjusting Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) concepts under the circumstances that the transport mode transfers between the Public Bicycle Sharing System (PBSS) and the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system is popular. Taipei City was selected as the study area and data were extracted from the smart card data stored by the Taipei City Government. Clustering analysis and social network analysis (i.e. modularity analysis and degree centrality analysis) were employed to investigate the attributes of interactions between PBSS docking stations and MRT stations. Analytical results indicate that the PBSS stations close to MRT stations have higher degree centralities. The development of PBSS can extend the range of services provided by MRT stations. Additionally, the usage patterns of PBSS and MRT can represent the spatial structure of the city. The histograms of distances using PBSS to transfer to MRT are different between city center and suburbs. The networks of PBSS borrow and return relationships can be categorized into several groups in which PBSS stations gather spatially. Based on these results, the strategies for TOD implements should consider the areas covered by PBSS services and the patterns of interactions between PBSS and MRT.
起訖頁 181-198
關鍵詞 公共自行車公共運具轉乘大數據社會網絡分析階層式集群分析Public bicycle sharing systemTransport model transferBig dataSocial network analysisCluster analysis
刊名 都市與計劃  
期數 202206 (49:2期)
出版單位 中華民國都市計劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 以步行為導向之捷運站TOD都市設計準則建立與實證
該期刊-下一篇 包容式TOD評估指標在地化之研擬與應用




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