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木瓜秀粉介殼蟲(Paracoccus marginatus)在番石榴葉上之生活史特徵
作者 陳文華林妤俐張萃媖
木瓜秀粉介殼蟲(Paracoccus marginatus Williams and Granara de Willink)於2010年入侵臺灣,已造成木瓜等多種作物的重大損失。本研究於15、20、25、30及35℃定溫,相對溼度為70% 及光週期12:12 (D:L) 實驗室條件下,以番石榴葉片飼育進行生活史觀察,結果15℃下卵孵化率僅35.5%,20~30℃卵孵化率80% 以上;15及35℃ 下木瓜秀粉介殼蟲於一齡若蟲期即全部死亡;於20及25℃定溫下由卵發育至成蟲所需時間,隨溫度升高而縮短,但當溫度升高至30℃時其發育速度反而變慢;成蟲之產卵期與壽命隨溫度升高而縮短。20℃定溫下雌成蟲產卵期與產卵量高於25℃。以兩性生命表進行族群介量分析, 25℃定溫下其內在增殖率 (r) 0.1321 day-1、終極增殖率 (λ) 1.1412 day-1較20℃高,平均世代時間 (T) 31.34日也較短,而20℃定溫下的淨增殖率 (R0) 81.54 eggs/individual則較25℃ 高。由本研究結果可知30℃高溫不適合木瓜秀粉介殼蟲的族群增長,20~25℃ 適合其發生危害,因此在秋冬季節應加強其田間監測與防治,此生物學資料可供為日後木瓜秀粉介殼蟲整合管理策略之參考依據。
The papaya mealybug (Paracoccus marginatus Williams and Granara de Willink) was detected in Taiwan in 2010 and is causing significant losses to various crops including papaya. To understand the basic biology of this invasive species, a life history study of P. marginatus on guava at 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35℃, with 70 % RH and a 12-hr/day photoperiod under laboratory conditions was conducted. At 15°C, the egg hatch rate was 35.5% however, when temperature was increased to 20~30°C, the egg hatching rate increased to more than 80%. The all P. marginatus died at the first instar nymph stage at 15 and 35°C. During the study, we observed that the developmental period decreased with increasing temperature from 20 to 25℃; however, their growth rate slowed down and when temperature further increased to 30℃. This study observed that the longevity decreases with increasing temperature. The oviposition period and fecundity of female at 20°C were higher than 25°C. In two-sex life table analysis, the Intrinsic rate of increase (r) was 0.1321 day-1 and Finite rate of increase (λ) was 1.1412 day-1 were higher at 25℃. The mean generation time was shorter than 31.34 days at 20℃. The Net reproductive rate (R0) was 81.54 eggs/individual is higher at 25℃. Based upon the results from this study, 20~25℃ was favorable temperature for P. marginatus growth and development; however, temperature above 30℃ was not suitable for their population growth. In this regards, a special attention need to pay for field monitoring and control of P. marginatus during autumn and winter in southern Taiwan. This study could be useful to make an integrated pest management plan against P. marginatus.
起訖頁 9-16
關鍵詞 木瓜秀粉介殼蟲番石榴生活史族群介量Paracoccus marginatusguavalife historypopulation parameter
刊名 植物醫學  
期數 202112 (63:4期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 唐棉嵌紋病毒(gomphocarpus mosaic virus, GoMV)特性分析
該期刊-下一篇 應用Bacillus amyloliquefaciens PMB05發酵液防治檸檬潰瘍病




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