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Effect of Flipped Classroom Model on Students' Performance in Basic Respiratory Therapy Course
作者 李昆達 (Kun-Dar Li)陳姵蓉曾筠婷李晨音江玲玲林彥光
This study investigated the effects of employing the flipped classroom model on students' learning of clinical practices in basic respiratory therapy. The objectives were to determine: (1) the model's effect on online learning retention, (2) whether a flipped classroom would improve students' learning, (3) whether a correlation would be evident between group performance and students' learning achievement, (4) whether a flipped classroom would strengthen students' skills, and (5) whether personal background and individual factors would be significantly related to students' performance. The sample consisted of 51 sophomore students majoring in respiratory therapy in a university in Taipei. Traditional teaching methods were applied in the control group class. The students watched online videos before class in the experimental (flipped classroom) group. The students' learning achievements at various time points and their correlation with the online videos were explored. The factor analysis of the flipped classroom model was based on background factors, experience with online learning, group cooperation, and learning achievements. Analysis was performed using a paired sample t-test, Pearson's correlation, and stepwise multiple regression. The results revealed that: (1) online learning increased learning retention, (2) the flipped classroom model improved the students' learning, as indicated by the difference in pretest and posttest scores, (3) a partial relationship exists between group performance and the students' learning achievements, (4) the flipped classroom model strengthened the students' skills and enabled them to complete difficult tasks, and (5) the students' backgrounds and individual factors did not affect their performance. When implementing a flipped classroom, the instructor should focus on in-class discussion and activities.
起訖頁 151-192
關鍵詞 呼吸治療學習成效翻轉教室respiratory therapylearning performanceflipped classroom
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 202203 (5:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 「ADDIE模式」及「SCOTEAM教學要素」在大學課程的教學設計之應用:以大學「教學原理」課程為例




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