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Teaching Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning Combined with ARCS Learning Motivation Theory and Example Learning for Digital Imaging Design Courses
作者 郝光中
Editing and post production special effects are cumbersome processes, and their difficulty leads to low learning motivation among students. This research incorporated project-based learning, the Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction (ARCS) learning motivation model, and example teaching into a curriculum and teaching methodology to increase learning motivation and learning effectiveness. A second-year elective digital imaging design course in a university was used as a case study. The lectures covered camera movement, storyboarding, film editing, post production, and special effects. This study conducted in 2018 and employed action research. After the lectures were revised and the students' learning motivation and learning effectiveness were evaluated, the course was implemented again in 2019. The data collected comprised students' homework grades; the results of a teaching satisfaction questionnaire on professional knowledge, core competencies, lecture content, curriculum planning, and teacher-student interaction; and the results of the ARCS learning motivation questionnaire. These quantitative data were compared with the results of an open questionnaire. The results indicated that the key to topic-oriented learning is to set periodic checkpoints that enable teachers to control the course effectively. In addition, teachers returning students' homework enabled the students to correct their mistakes. The key to improving learning outcomes by leveraging ARCS learning motivation theory is to increase the relevance of homework to students' daily lives. Homework grading standards should be consistent to enable students to achieve the learning goals and develop a positive mentality. In example teaching, teachers' input is crucial to increasing learning motivation and to enabling students to apply the knowledge they learn.
起訖頁 37-98
關鍵詞 ARCS學習動機理論專題式學習影視後製剪輯範例學習ARCS learning motivationproject-based learningfilm editing and post productionexample learning
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 202203 (5:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 以同步視訊融入專題導向學習,探討師資生跨領域教學方案的實作能力之研究
該期刊-下一篇 「ADDIE模式」及「SCOTEAM教學要素」在大學課程的教學設計之應用:以大學「教學原理」課程為例




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