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Research on the amount of exercise participation and injury analysis of middle-aged and elderly people with regular exercise habits: Taking the Caotun Town area of Nantou County as an example
作者 陳奇鋒許弘恩蘇耿賦
規律運動對於健康、心理、疾病控制及慢性病治療效果皆有助益。運動傷害是規律運動不可避免的問題,本研究以年齡、運動參與量與運動傷害之因果關係探討草屯地區中高年者運動參與量及運動傷害情形。研究對象為草屯地區 45 歲以上中高年運動參與者共 131 位,通過問卷調查法進行資料收集,統計分析以敘述統計法分析傷害次數及部位傷害數;以迴歸分析法分析不同年齡層及三種運動強度參與量與運動傷害間的因果關係。研究發現:中高年者之運動傷害發生以下肢部位為主且與中強度運動參與量具有因果關係;年老中高齡者運動傷害發生次數低於年輕中高年者。根據研究結果建議(一)改變年齡老化後運動傷害率會增加的觀念。年齡老化並不會使運動傷害發生次數增加,害怕受傷而不運動的中高年者可參與低強度運動不用恐懼運動傷害發生率增加而影響健康。(二)持續鍛鍊的中高年者需要監控中強度運動參與量以預防運動傷害發生。
Regular exercise is beneficial for health, psychology, disease control and chronic disease treatment. Sports injury is an unavoidable problem in regular exercise. In this study, the causal relationship between age, sports participation and sports injury was investigated to explore the sports participation and sports injuries among middle-aged and elderly people in Caotun area. The research object is 131 middle-aged and senior sports participants over the age of 45 in Caotun area. Data was collected through questionnaire survey, and statistical analysis was conducted to analyze the number of injuries and the number of injuries to body parts by descriptive statistics. Regression analysis was used to analyze causal relationship among different age groups , three amount of exercise participation and sports injuries. The study found that the sports injuries of middle-aged and elderly people mainly occurred in the lower limbs and had a causal relationship with the amount of moderate-intensity sports participation; According to the research results, it is suggested (1) to change the concept that the rate of sports injury will increase after aging. Aging does not increase the number of sports injuries, and middle-aged and elderly people who are afraid of injury and do not exercise can participate in low-intensity sports without fear of increasing the incidence of sports injuries and affecting their health. (2) Middle-aged and senior people who continue to exercise need to monitor the amount of moderate-intensity exercise participation to prevent sports injuries.
起訖頁 19-31
關鍵詞 中高年運動傷害中強度運動運動傷害調查休閒運動參與JudoRefereeing RulesRefereeCompetition
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 202203 (16期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 2018-2020年國際柔道裁判規則之探討




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