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Effect of Baseball Training Programs with Different Weighted Ball on Throwing Mechanics
作者 葉紘志葉明嘉何金山
投手為棒球比賽中最為重要的角色之一,投手所投出的球需要兼俱幾樣特點準度、尾勁、球速以及角度,其中球速是投手最明確的指標之一,隨著運動科學的發展,投手的平均球速與最快球速皆有提升。雖然想提升球速有許多面向,但近期最常見的就是加重球,過去對不同重量球的研究中發現球的重量能有更多變化,比標準球輕的球也能有效的提升球速,因此利用文獻回顧之方式蒐集過去相關研究資料,找出不同重量之棒球訓練對於投球的影響。目的:不同重量棒球對於球速的提升與受傷的風險到目前並沒有一個準確的說法,因此本文獻回顧欲對不同重量棒球訓練計畫之相關研究加以探討與了解。方法:本文搜尋 2009 至 2021年的文獻資料庫,包括 PubMed 以及華藝中文電子期刊之中英文文獻。結果:總共蒐集 12 篇期刊,並整理出不同重量棒球訓練應用於棒球投手相關研究以及不同重量棒球訓練應用於棒球投手之負面效應兩種觀點加以討論。結論:不同重量之棒球訓練計畫還是有較大的受傷風險,選手們要利用加重球訓練可能需要有專業教練在旁指導或是在非賽季期間進行訓練。
Pitcher is one of the most important roles in a baseball game. It needs several abilities to pitch a ball, including accuracy, ball rotation, pitching velocity and ball flying trajectory. Pitching velocity is one of the clearest indicators among them. With the development of sports science, both the average pitching velocity and the peak pitching velocity have been improved. In terms of improvement in ball velocity, one of the most common one nowadays is the weighted ball, there are a few researches that focus on different weighted ball, found out that weighted ball can have some more variety, that can improve pitching velocity compare to a regular ball. Objectives: However, there is no consensus on the efficacy or safety for these training methods, and no accurate statement about the increase in the velocity of the ball as well as the risk of injury by the different weighted ball. Methods: This article included some research for 2009 to 2021, including PudMed and airiti library. Results: There are 12 journals and have grouped together to find out the effect and the negative outcome of baseball training programs with different weighted ball. Conclusions: The different weighted ball experiment may cause the subject to be injured and increase the difficulty of conducting experiments. All in all, this review intends to focus on the research about different weight baseball and training programs.
起訖頁 1-8
關鍵詞 投擲重球與輕球生物力學PitchingWeighted and Underweight BallBiomechanics
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 202203 (16期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-下一篇 2018-2020年國際柔道裁判規則之探討




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