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Application of e-GNSS RTK positioning system to the accuracy analysis of numerical cadastral survey-taking the Caotun framework as an example
作者 李金輝梁崇智盧立偉童健恆
In recent years, the popularization of e-GNSS real-time dynamic positioning system has made it no longer difficult to obtain high-precision coordinate positioning results and improve operational efficiency in real time. In addition, e-GNSS has a variety of coordinate frame calculations. If the e-GNSS real-time dynamic positioning system can be correctly applied to cadastral survey operations,it can not only overcome mapping control point loss or poor mutual visibility, but also improve operational efficiency. This study uses the e-GNSS real-time dynamic positioning system to produce different error concepts under different operating modes. Using three different coordinate frame operation methods, each supplement subsidiary station, and then use these supplement points as known points, and first convert and supplement each parcel corner coordinate by three-parameter conversion Point is the same framework, first analyze the gaps between the database matrices generated by the above different operation methods. Then take field measurements according to different coordinate frames. Directly A Posteriori comparison of the coordinate stakeout values under the two different frameworks with the field boundary will result in the direct observation gap, which is close to the error value and true value. The research results show that the results measured by e-GNSS in the previous different methods, in Accuracy, do produce completely different results from different operating methods. Among them, the difference produced by the Caotun frame is the smallest, but the average error between the measurement point and the determined point in the field directly A Posteriori is 8.6 cm.
起訖頁 27-55
關鍵詞 e-GNSS地籍測量後驗e-GNSSCadastral SurveyingA Posteriori
刊名 地籍測量  
期數 202203 (41:1期)
出版單位 中華民國地籍測量學會
該期刊-上一篇 地圖上「指北標」與比例尺必要性探討




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