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On the Necessity of North Arrow and Scale Bar on Map
作者 史天元
Maps are the media used to display and communicate spatial information. The direction and distance between spatial objects are two fundamental items. Consequently, the north arrow showing the direction of North and the scale bar for the length measurement are two mandatory components of maps and viewed as a doctrine. Although the presence of numeric or graphic displays for the scale bar has not received overturn type challenges, the north arrow has disappeared from major web map services of today. Delving into the fundamental principles of cartography, it can be determined that the north arrow is not appropriate for presenting on every map. For example, the small-scale world map is one which should not have a north arrow. However, in some situations, such as in which the map is not following global conventions for placing north-up, using a north arrow may be a better practice. This study discusses the concept of orientation reference mark in map-making, and why this doctrine has been demolished. Although this practice could be evidently observed from current major web map ervices, the doctrine is still emphasized by some educators. This writing is compiled for providing learners with an intuitive reference.
起訖頁 15-26
刊名 地籍測量  
期數 202203 (41:1期)
出版單位 中華民國地籍測量學會
該期刊-上一篇 「麥卡托投影」正形性質與恆向線
該期刊-下一篇 以e-GNSS即時動態定位系統應用於,數值地籍測量準確度分析──以草屯框架為例




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