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South Korea’s Pursuit and Challenge of Establishing a Peace Regime for the Korean Peninsula under the US-China Rivalry
South Korea’s Pursuit and Challenge of Establishing a Peace Regime for the Korean Peninsula under the US-China Rivalry
作者 Bum-sig Ha (Bum-sig Ha)
The Korean Peninsula, strategically location in Northeast Asia, connects the Eurasian continent and the Pacific Ocean geopolitically and economically. The geopolitical and geopolitical international order led by the United States and China is formed on the Korean Peninsula. As the rivalry between the United States and China has intensified, the geopolitical structure of confrontation on the Korean Peninsula has been reproduced; the North Korean nuclear issue and inter-Korean relations have become more stalemate, which threatens peace on the Korean Peninsula. Resolving the North Korean nuclear issue is the leverage that improves relations between the United States and North Korea to establish peace on the Korean Peninsula and resolve the Korean Peninsula’s geopolitical conflict. The liberal administrations of South Korea mediated the denuclearization negotiations between the United States and North Korea to promote the denuclearization-peace regime on the Korean Peninsula. South Korea’s efforts to establish a peace regime on the Korean Peninsula have drawn the ‘919 Joint Statement’ and ‘213 Agreements’ in the Six-party talk and the ‘Panmunjom declaration’ between inter Korea, the ‘Singapore Joint Declaration’ between the United States and North Korea. However, South Korea’s Efforts to establish a peace regime on the Korean Peninsula faced the challenge as the agreement between the United States and North Korea was canceled or non-implemented due to distrust and hostility between both sides.
起訖頁 76-100
關鍵詞 the US-China RivalryThe End-of-War DeclarationPeace Regime on Korean Peninsulathe US-North Korea Nuclear Negotiation
刊名 展望與探索  
期數 202203 (20:3期)
出版單位 法務部調查局
該期刊-上一篇 中共五大戰區現任軍政首長之觀察與意涵
該期刊-下一篇 烏克蘭與哈薩克成就普欽的歷史定位




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