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ECHR Art. 5--Examine the Native System of Detention on Remand and Restriction of Liberty by Way of Instancing ECHR Judgments
作者 施育傑
This paper mainly has two major parts, first, is the European Convention of Human Rights as well as the Judgments of European Court of Human rights; Next, from the European transnational standard, inspects domestic system of detention on remand and restriction of liberty, then proposes suggestion to the practice as well as the legislation. ECHR Art. 5, may divide into several parts: the essential reason of detention(5-1), general procedure safeguard of detention(5-2, 5-4), special procedure safeguard of detention on remand(5-3), as well as the compensation stipulation if violating Art, 5(5-5). This article quotes including cases of Guzzardi, Vagrancy, Brogan, Pauwels, Neumeister to observe the development of ECHR. Moreover, important arguments of this article are procedural safeguard of ECHR 5-3, 5-4. Takes into the period about the duration of detention on remand, although the human rights court has not pointed out specificly deadline, this article calculated correlation Judgments from 1968 to 15 April 2008, thought the duration of detention on remand has influenced ECHR Judgments; and further observed interactions of German and ECHR. As for the general procedure safeguard of ECHR Art. 5-4, this article searched European classical meanings of freedom and Habeas Corpus of Magna Carta of England since 13th, pointed out ECHR procedural safeguard which entrusts with under the modern significance, those safeguard essential factor included right to access to the files, right to oral trial as well as right to legal assistance. In addition, this article thought that the request of impatrality and independence which cross Art.5 and Art. 6 cannot support all part of deciding whether one should be detained or not.As to native laws, although Constitution Art. 8 had stipulated that only the court had power to detain persons and right to Habeas Corpus, the question still is unable to be solved both in Constitution and criminal procedure; in legislation as well as practice operation, these two basic requests has even been neglected. In light of this, this article firstly discussed under constitution, solved the unique, difficult questions including “due process of law” and “principle of essential arrest before detention”; secondly, discussed under criminal laws, and thought that native practice of detention on remand has been short of reasons in the part of continuous detention; and last, under other laws, general protection of pernal liberty has been always unable to carry out perfectly, strategy could be made through ways of appropriate explanation of constitution Art. 8 or legislative operation. Finally, this article also proposed concrete legislative suggestion of the law of Habeas Corpus as well as the system of detention on remand.
起訖頁 1-374
關鍵詞 歐洲人權公約第5條人身自由權利受告知權利羈押期間Habeas Corpus公平審判武器平等受法律協助權(受律師協助權)中立性與獨立性正當程序拘捕前置主義ECHR Art. 5right to libertyright to be informedtime of detention on remandHabeas Corpusfair trialequality of armsright to legal assistanceimpartiality and independencedue process of lawprinciple of essential arrest before detention
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 臺灣大學 
該期刊-上一篇 警察行政調查之研究-以警察職權行使法第十四條為中心
該期刊-下一篇 警察行政調查之研究-以警察職權行使法第十四條為中心




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