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Tacit Relocation of the Lease of Real Estate
作者 鄧文明
系所名稱:不動產與城鄉環境學系 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:106年 指導教授:黃健彰 民法第451條「租賃期限之默示更新」規定,使本應消滅之租賃關係,不問當事人之意思如何,因法律規定而視為不定期限繼續契約,再經土地法及耕地三七五減租條例之適用後,出租人之任意終止的權利受到相當限制,其向來是實務判決上重要的法律議題,卻鮮有對此鉅細靡遺之論述。本論文即是針對不動產租賃之默示更新為核心主軸,進行法律解釋,除我國實務與學說見解外,並於相關處參酌日本學者之意見,再提出本文分析。第二章探討「默示更新之規範意旨」。為避免租賃期限屆滿後,雙方當事人有「違反誠信原則之出爾反爾行為」,或出租人有「權利消極行使型之濫用行為」,立法者使用「擬制默示之擬制性法條」,就原租賃契約視為以不定期限繼續契約。第三章剖析「默示更新之構成要件」。首先就「租賃期限屆滿後」,分成房屋租賃、基地租賃與耕地租賃等三種特種租賃類型為研究對象。其次就「承租人仍為租賃物之使用收益」,包含本人及第三人非獨立之共同使用收益及其方法。最後就「出租人不即表示反對之意思」,歸納整理出相當期間之判斷與反對意思之態樣,並提出客觀情事與一般觀念之綜合考量。第四章論述「默示更新之法律效果」。除了「視為以不定期限繼續契約」,其應解釋為租賃期限之更新及擔保之存續與否法律效果外;關於出租人「終止租賃契約收回租賃物之限制」,亦一併加以闡述分析;並綜觀「民法第451條與土地法規之扞格」。第五章總結全文,並提出本文「結論」。
As per the stipulation of the “Tacit Relocation of the Lease Terms” in Article 451 of the Civil Code of Taiwan, upon expiry or termination, the lease is deemed to be continued for an indefinite period according to the legal provision regardless of the opinions from the interested parties. In addition, the applied Land Act and The 37.5% Arable Rent Reduction Act restrict the rights of leasers to terminate. These legal issues related to practical judgment, though important, are seldom discussed in detail. This thesis will focus on the tacit relocation of the lease of real estate and make interpretations of the related laws. In addition to analyzing the legal practices and theories in Taiwan, this thesis will also refer to the opinions of Japanese scholars. Then, this thesis will propose our final analysis.In Chapter 2, this thesis will explore the “norms and intentions of the tacit relocation.” In order to avoid the fact that after the end of the lease, both parties “violate the principle of good faith and capricious behavior,” or the leaser “abuses or negatively exercises his/her rights,” the legislator shall adopt the “fictio tacit of legal fiction” and deem the original lease to be continued for an indefinite period.In Chapter 3, this thesis will analyze the “composition of the tacit relocation.” Firstly this thesis will consider the three special lease types, namely, lease of houses, lease of building sites or lease of farm land, which come into effect “after the end of the lease.” Second, this thesis will consider the fact that “the lessee still continues to use the thing leased or to collect profits therefrom,” which include the (non-independent) common usufructuary rights and methods shared by the tenant and the third party. Finally, this thesis will consider the article that states “the lessor does not immediately express his intent to the contrary.” This thesis will summarize the judgments and the special situations related to the capricious behavior within a related period, and this thesis will propose the overall considerations related to the objective circumstances and the general outlook.In Chapter 4, this thesis will discuss the “legal effect of the tacit relocation.” Outside of considering the article that states “the lease is deemed to be continued for an indefinite period” shall be interpreted to be related to whether the updated lease term and the continued guarantee have legal effect. This thesis will also analyze the “restrictions on the leaser’s termination of the lease contract and his/her recovery of leased assets,” and this thesis will comprehensively review “the Conflict between Article 451 of the Civil Code and the Land Laws.”In Chapter 5, this thesis will conduct a summary of the entire text and draw a conclusion.
起訖頁 1-154
關鍵詞 租賃默示更新法定更新民法第451條土地法第100條土地法第103條土地法第109條耕地三七五減租條例第19條耕地三七五減租條例第20條農業發展條例第21條leasetacit relocationrenewal of operation of lawArticle 451 of the Civil CodeArticle 100 of the Land ActArticle 103 of the Land ActArticle 109 of the Land ActArticle 19 of the 37.5% Arable Rent Reduction ActArticle 20 of the 37.5% Arable Rent Reduction ActArticle 21 of the Agricultural Development Act
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 臺北大學 
該期刊-上一篇 不動產登記案件涉及私權爭議審查之研究
該期刊-下一篇 著作之數位傳輸與權利耗盡原則




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