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Who is the Author of Postgraduate Student's Thesis? From the Viewpoint of Copyright Law and Academic Ethics
作者 吳佳臻
系所名稱:科技法律研究所 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:109年 指導教授:楊智傑 本文以兩個層面來分析學生與教師間之論文掛名,分別為學術倫理與著作權法。首先從學術倫理之層面,分析國際學術機構、臺灣學術機構與各學會之研究倫理規範之論文作者列名原則,藉此了解各社群對學術論文作者的認定標準。接著,以著作權法之層面,分析我國著作權法中共同著作之立法歷程、構成要件、學術見解,以及實務判決,例如:中正大學法律系案件、慈濟大學宗教與文化研究所案件,與臺北教育大學文化創意產業經營學系案件等,觀察教師與學生是否為學術論文之共同著作人。此外,透由分析美國著作權法中共同著作之構成要件、學術見解,以及實務判決,例如:Childress v. Taylor和Aalmuhammed v. Lee等案件,觀察美國對於共同著作之判斷標準,並比較臺灣與美國共同著作之相似與相異之處。最後,筆者建議以學術倫理之角度,定義學術論文之作者,其認定標準為,對論文具有實質貢獻者,方可為作者。
There are two main aspects of the author of postgraduate student’s thesis:academic ethics and copyright law. First of all, from the viewpoint of academicintegrity, this article elaborates the definition and principles of authority frominternational academic institutions, Taiwan academic institutions and otherresearch institutions in order to understand different communities for standardsof authority. Besides, from the viewpoint of academic integrity, this articlediscusses legalization, legal element and academic insights of Joint work in theCopyright Law. For example, there are many local cases thatobserve who isthe author of postgraduate student’s thesis, including the case of theDepartment of Law Chung-Cheng University, the case of the Institute ofReligion and Humanity of Tzu Chi University, and the case of the Department ofCultural and Creative Industries Management of Taipei Education University.In addition, the study analyzes legitimization, legal element and academicperspectives of Joint work in the Copyright Law of the United States. Takecases of Childress v. Taylor and Aalmuhammed v. Lee for example. Thoseobserve the criteria of Joint work in the United States and compare thedifferences of them between Taiwan and the United States. Finally, the authorrecommends defining the author of academic thesis from the perspective ofacademic integrity, which considers that contributors for academic thesis areauthors.
起訖頁 1-85
關鍵詞 學術倫理共同著作作者列名原則Academic integrityJoint workprinciples of authorship.
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 雲林科技大學 
該期刊-下一篇 磨課師製作數位教材的合理使用問題




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