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The Research of legalization in Legislative Yuan’s Investigation Power
作者 陳清雲
系所名稱:法律學研究所 學位別:博士 畢業學年:102年 指導教授:蕭文生 國會調查權在許多先進民主國家之發展已經相當臻熟,因為藉由調查權的實施,可以真正發揮國會監督行政效能的功用,是民主國家在權力分立體制下的一項不可或缺的輔助性權力,發端於英國,後來被其他各國所採用。 國會調查權的行使需要受到一定的限制,例如行政特權的援用與司法獨立等等。在世界先進民主國家中,美國是實現國會調查權制度的典範,著名的水門事件等歷次重大歷史案件中,奠定了聽證制度、國會調查權的公信力,也發揮了制衡的作用;英國則是國會調查權制度之起源,很多制度都源自於英國,如證人宣誓法等等,其「行政監察使」制度也獨具一格;法國的國會調查權制度雖然規定較為完備,但執行上卻效果甚微,委員會甚少設立,即使成立,亦成為政府操縱的工具;德國的國會調查權入憲,法源相當完備;日本的國政調查權一樣入憲,其在公務員守密義務、權力分立,不侵入司法權固有領域的判例相當的多,均可作為參考。 國會調查有監督行政部門、揭發政府弊端來實現人民知的權力及協助立法部門取得足夠的資料來源輔助立法的功用。比較其他先進國家的調查權制度,我國國會調查權,一直以來沒有一整套完整的運作機制,法律規範也較為缺乏。隨著歷次修法與大法官解釋作成下,逐漸建構了國會調查權的雛形。釋字第四六一號與第四九八號解釋的作出,充實「備詢義務」的內容,而真調會條例與釋字第五八五號解釋,一舉解釋了「國會調查權」的意義、內容,以及我國未來改進方向。政府資訊公開法揭示了行政特權行使的界限,而未來修法亦應朝向與國外國會調查權學習、看齊的方向邁進。 本論文希望藉由探討國會調查權的實務運作及分析各國國會調查權發展的歷程,來提出我國國會調查權制度改善的建議。如完整規範調查權組織、範圍及程序等,少數權調查成立的承認,調查對象的完善保護與完整規範不當拒絕證言提供資訊之強制權,並賦予國會罰緩以上之強制力,同時妥善規範「調閱」、「質詢」、「聽證」、「報告提供」之相關規定。 最後,應儘快健全相關法制,建立慣例,讓立法院調查權法制化能撥雲見日,早日完成立法程序。
In many democracy countries, the national legislature investigates power has been developedfurther,carrying out this power can effectly surpervise administrative organizations. This is anindispensable right to assist under The separation of power which originated from United Kingdom and followed up by other countries.National legislatureinvestigates power mustbe restricted appropriately, such as executive privilege invoked with the independence of the judiciary, and so on. In the advanced democratic countries of the world, United States is an example of the congressional investigative power system model, Such as the famous Watergate Event previous cases of major historical events, Among established the hearing system and credibility of the investigative powers of congress and then developed the effect of checking and balance.United Kingdom is the origin of the national legislature investigative power and expands other rules and regulations too, for example the sworn witness and so on, especially the administrative supervision is of a unique style. Although France parliament has complete rules and regulations in investigating power, it only had little effect on the implementation, and rarely set up committees which is operated as a tool by the government. Germanyparliamentary investigates power is under the constitution with fully archives and records information. Japan national diet investigates power is under the constitution too, its confidentiality obligations in the civil service and the separation of powers which does not intrusive judicial power, could witness sworn as a reference.The national legislative investigative powers have the capability of supervising the administrative section, exposing abuses in government to achieve the right of knowledge for there people and help legislataves obtain enough datas which assist in making laws. Compared with other developed countries, our parliament never has a perfect set of operation range and the standards of law are short of. With revisions of Law and Justice the interpretation made under national legislatureinvestigates power gradually construct anembryonic form. As mentioned J.Y. Interpretation No.461 and No.498 pointed to enrich the content of ‘is queried obligation’. The Truth Investigation Committee and Interpretation No.585 also pointed significance of ‘national legislature investigates power.’ Government information law reveals the limit of executive privilege, and the future direction. Our national legislature investigates power should amend to study from other democracy countries.According to this research of national legislature investigates power from its operation and also analysis other country’s develop process to provide better suggestion to our national legislation. For example the rules and regulations of an organization, cover range and the survey protection and specification improperly denied the right to information of the testimony provided mandatory, parliament coercive power penalty, needs to provide proper stage of ‘records request, question, hearing, report’ and other relevant rules.Finally, this research discussion hopes to improve the relevant regulations to legalization it to that Legislative Yuan legislature investigates power in order to complete further legislative process.
起訖頁 1-486
關鍵詞 國會調查權權力分立立法權預算審查權人事同意權釋字五八五號解釋三一九槍擊事件真相特別調查委員會條例National Legislature Investigates PowerSeparation of PowersLegislative PowerBudget Review PowerPersonnel Consent PowerJ.Y. Interpretation No.585, A.S.C.I. of the 319 shooting
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 中正大學 
該期刊-上一篇 我國「抽象審查」制度下「憲法訴訟」類型之探究
該期刊-下一篇 施用毒品行為刑事政策與除罪化之研究




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