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An Analysis of the Populism’s Impact on Constitutional Democracy
作者 葉耀聰
民粹主義的近來發展似乎已對憲政民主產生衝擊,如英國脫歐、匈牙利非自由政體(illiberal regime),均對自由民主(liberal democracy)長期以來所建立的信念產生動搖,甚至影響世界政經的發展。對此,吾人有必要加以了解及重視。本文擬對民粹主義進行剖析,並從憲政主義與自由民主思維分別探討其與民粹主義的關係及是否產生對立,並了解民粹憲政主義所形成之理論及走向。分析結果發現,民粹主義已對憲政主義與自由民主構成挑戰,其具體徵象是導致國際情勢在社會、經濟或文化方面的變動,如排外、反對全球化等。這些挑戰與衝擊均值得吾人反思:自由民主不是歷史發展所必然,而是人類共同努力的成果,吾人必須好好的珍惜。
It seems to that constitutional democracy has been affected by populism in recent years such as Brexit and illiberalism polity in Hungary. The rise of populism generates some impacts on liberal democracy’s core beliefs as well as on socio-economic development in the world. We should understand it inevitably. Hence, this paper tries to realize populism deeply and research it about its relationship with or against constitutional democracy in way of thoughts of liberal democracy. It also aims to understand the theory of populist constitutionalism. Finally, this article concludes that populism has influenced both liberal democracy and constitutionalism, resulting in various conflicting affairs in the world and thus has changed the world's social, economic and cultural environments. The conclusion of this article emphasizes that liberal democracy is not the self-evident outcome of history. It has gained with endeavors by human beings, so we all should cherish it.
起訖頁 105-131
關鍵詞 民粹主義詞令憲政主義自由民主民粹憲政主義PopulismRhetoricConstitutionalismLiberal DemocracyPopulist Constitutionalism
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 202203 (11期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 產學攜手合作僑生專班學生壓力來源之研究──以北部某科技大學為例
該期刊-下一篇 變局下的選擇:張發奎與五0年代香港第三勢力運動




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