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Writing Methods on Variety Show Scripts
作者 楊聖緯
TV variety shows are one of the most important leisure entertainments in the world. However, the survival of variety shows must pass the test of audience viewing. Therefore, the writing and the structure of program scripts become the main key. Most of the general program scripts only focus on the design and writing of the program's process, rules or gameplays, while Taiwan has always lacked special books on the practical aspects of variety show script writing. Based on the researcher's many years of practical experience as a producer and program script writer in TV stations, this paper is divided into two parts: 'Host Opening Script' and 'Program Content Script' to illustrate the script writing and structure of variety shows. In the 'Host Opening Script' section, the program script writing skills and structure of the variety show host are described in three sections: 'Program Opening', 'Introduction to the Theme' and 'Introduction to Guests'; in the 'Program Content Script' section,the writing of the program script and the composition of the structure are discussed in five paragraphs: 'The Purpose of The Program', 'Real People Do Not Show Their Faces', 'Challenge the Limit', 'Amateur Talent Show' and 'Work Promotion'. The main purpose of writing the paper is to explain the script writing skills of variety shows and the ways of how to structure them for those who want to join the TV industries as references.
起訖頁 73-85
關鍵詞 綜藝節目節目腳本主持人編寫variety showprogram scripthostwriting
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 202203 (11期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 淺談卡繆(誤會)三幕劇探討身心合──表演方法應用於表演訓練;教學之中
該期刊-下一篇 產學攜手合作僑生專班學生壓力來源之研究──以北部某科技大學為例




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