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2021年日本政治的趨勢與今後的課題──以自民黨黨魁選舉與總選舉之總結為中心(The direction of 2021 Japanese politics and future issues: Focusing on the LDP Leadership Election and its results)
作者 小枝義人
2021 年秋季舉行的自民黨黨魁選舉的結果是由岸田文雄出任新黨魁,並隨即宣布解散眾議院,進行睽違4 年的總選舉。由成熟的民意所展現出的結果是,自民黨與公明黨聯合政權的穩定持續,與在野黨勢力分成立憲民主黨.共產黨,以及日本維新會.國民民主黨的兩極化。在經過2022 年夏季的參議院選舉之後,嶄新的日本政界秩序可望逐漸形成。本文除了總結自民黨黨魁選舉與眾議院選舉結果,也針對今後岸田政權希望達成的目標方向,從內政;外交兩方面,試圖以多角度進行驗證。
As a result of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Leadership Election held in Fall 2021;Fumio Kishida became the new president of the LDP. Kishida immediately dissolved the lower house of the Diet for the first time in four years and held a general election. Popular consensus demonstrated continued support for the ruling LDP- Komeito coalition as well as a bipolar split among opposition parties into a Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CDPJ)-Japanese Communist Party (JCP) block and a Japan Innovation Party (Nippon Ishin no Kai)-Democratic Party for the People (DPP) block. Through the upper house election of Summer 2022;it is possible to see the formation of a new order in the world of Japanese politics. In addition to addressing the leadership election and its results;this research uses both domestic and diplomatic perspectives to examine the direction the Kishida administration will seek to pursue.
2021 年秋;自民党総裁選が行われた結果;岸田文雄が新総裁となり;直後に4 年ぶりとなる衆議院解散・総選挙が断行された。成熟した民意が示したのは;自公連立政権の継続と立憲民主党・共産党;そして日本維新の会・国民民主党という野党勢力の2 極化であった。2022 年夏の参院選を経て;新たな政界秩序が形成されていくと見られる。本稿では総裁選と総選挙の総括に加え;今後;岸田政権が目指すべき方向について;内政;外交の両面から多角的な検証を試みるものである。
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 菅義偉岸田文雄在野黨團結合作日本維新會Yoshide SugaFumio KishidaOpposition Party United FrontNippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Innovation Party)菅義偉岸田文雄野党共闘日本維新の会
刊名 問題と研究  
期數 202203 (51:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 岸田政權的成立與挑戰:以內部權力結構為焦點(The Establishment and Challenge of the Kishida Regime: A Focus on Internal Power Structure)




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