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What Has He Learned? : The Narrator in Edgar Allan Poe's''William Wilson''and''The Man of the Crowd''
作者 張家麟
本文從敘事學與精神分析的角度探討十九世紀美國作家埃德加.愛倫.坡(Edgar Allan Poe)的兩篇短篇小說〈威廉.威爾森〉(''William Wilson'')和〈人群中的人〉(''The Man of the Crowd''),檢視作者如何呈現主角的心理機轉、對外界事物的感知、解讀和反應,以及情節的安排和推動。在這兩篇短篇小說中,作者皆採第一人稱的敘事觀點以及倒敘法:故事的主角回想、整理、重述發生在自己身上的事情。隨著故事的開展,讀者逐漸被捲入一個「不正常的人」所描述的「不正常的體驗」,前者為精神病(psychotic),後者則接近變態(pervert)。作者所採用的敘事手法讓劇情在怪異的角色與懸疑的情節之間擺盪,深度刻畫人性的幽微之處,也塑造出恐怖小說和偵探小說的趣味和戲劇張力。
The paper examines Edgar Allan Poe's two short stories ''William Wilson'' and ''The Man of the Crowd'' from the perspectives of narratology and psychoanalysis to see how the author arranges the story and represents the hero's mental activities and responses towards major events. Poe adopts the first-person narrative point of view and ''the last begins first'' narrative scheme: the hero recalls and reports what he has experienced. Along with the development of the narrative, the reader is gradually conscious of being involved in an ''abnormal'' event told by an ''abnormal'' (albeit reliable) person. William Wilson is psychotic, while the detective-liker follower in ''The Man of the Crowd'' acts like a pervert. Poe's narrative strategy creates tremendous tension between weird characters and unsolved plots, which on the one hand depicts the dark side of the human mind in its full depth, and marks the characteristics of horror stories and detective stories on the other.
起訖頁 91-104
關鍵詞 愛倫.坡敘事學精神分析精神病變態Edgar Allan Poenarratologypsychoanalysispsychoticpervert
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 202111 (17:2期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-上一篇 閩南文化視閾下的兩岸融合發展研究
該期刊-下一篇 東北亞多邊安全合作機制的構建──基於中韓日文獻資料庫的視角




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