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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Research on Personal Trait Measurement and Adaptive Index of Junior High School Students in Taiwan |
作者 |
陳李綢 (Lee-Chou Chen) |
中文摘要 |
本研究主要目的在編製適合中學生使用的個人特質量表,以探討中學生的人格特質適應性指標,並比較不同背景(地區、國高中、年級、性別、排行、家庭結構、父母教育程度與職業)中學生的個人特質的差異性。以1479名國中至高中學生為受試,自編量表經由預試、項目分析和因素分析決定個人特質的因素與指標,並完成量表的編製、常模建立、信效度的研究。研究結果顯示:(1)個人特質量表是一個可以測量「創新變異」、「情緒表現」、「友愛親密」、「樂觀進取」及「決策能力」等五種特質的有效且穩定的測驗。(2)個人特質量表在「友愛親密」與「決策能力」兩個分量表有地區的差異性,不同年級學生的「創新變異」與「樂觀進取」二項分數平均數有差異存在,男女學生的個人特質分數顯示女生的個人特質總分與情緒表現、友愛親密及決策能力各分量表平均數都高於男生,人格特質總分與其他各分量表平均數大都不因排行不同、家庭子女人口、父母親教育程度與職業而有差異性。唯其中「創新變通」分數因父親不同教育程度及職業別有差異。 |
英文摘要 |
The purposes of this research were to construct the Scale of Personal Trait suitable for use with junior high school students, to develop an adaptive index for their PT measurements, and to compare the PTs of students with different backgrounds (region, school, grade, sex, family structure, parental educational level and profession). From a sample of 1,479 junior and senior high school students in Taiwan, factors and indices for the PT Scales were determined through analyses of various items and factors. Reliability, validity, and norm of the Scales were then examined upon the scales’ completion. Results showed that: PT Scales were capable of effectively measuring 5 separate abilities: innovation, emotionality, consideration, optimist, and decisiveness. The average scores for consideration and decisiveness differ among students from different regions; the average values for innovation, and optimist differ among students from different grades. Students with different birth orders also differ in total PT scores and in individual innovation, consideration, and decisiveness scores. Female students tend to have higher scores on PT total scale, individual emotionality, consideration, and decisiveness scales than male students. Finally, for most of the students with different birth orders, parental educational level or profession were not related to PT scores. Only the average values for innovation differ among students with different father’s educational level and professions. |
起訖頁 |
323-339 |
關鍵詞 |
友愛親密、決策能力、情緒表現、創新變異、樂觀進取、Consideration、Decisiveness、Emotionality、Innovation、Optimist |
刊名 |
教育心理學報 |
期數 |
200812 (40:2期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
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