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Eriophyoid Mites of Taiwan: Description of Twelve Species of Anthocoptini from Hueysuen (Acari: Eriophyoidea: Phyllocoptinae)
作者 Kun-Wei Huang (Kun-Wei Huang)Chin-Fah Wang (Chin-Fah Wang)
"本文描述及繪圖6屬、12種惠蓀林場花刺節蜱族,其中包含10新種及2舊有種。分別為:Anthocoptes insulanaes sp. nov.為害刺杜蜜(Bridelia insulana)、Aculus macrocarpae sp. nov.為害血藤(Mucuna macrocarpa)、Tetra superbae sp. nov.為害木荷(Schima superba var. superba)、Vittacus fissistigmae Wei & Kuang, 1997為害毛瓜馥木(Fissistigma oldhamii)、Abacarus tomentosus sp. nov.為害土蜜(Bridelia tomentosa)、Abacarus zuihoensus sp. nov.為害香楠(Machilus zuihoensis)、Abacarus enimenis Huang, 2001為害鵝掌柴(Schefflera octophylla)、Tegolophus eminentopus sp. nov.為害香楠(Machilus zuihoensis)、Tegolophus polygonus sp. nov.為害火炭母草(Polygonum chinense)、Tegolophus rubrae sp. nov.為害九節木(Psychotria rubra)、Tegolophus melicopi sp. nov.為害山刈葉(Melicope semecarpifolia)及Tegolophus magnutuberclus sp. nov.為害大葉木犀(Osmanthus matsumuranus)。本文並對惠蓀林場產花刺節蜱族的種做一檢索表。"
"In this work, we describe and illustrate 12 species of Anthocoptini in 6 genera, including 10 new species, 1 new record, and 1 known species, from Hueysuen(in central Taiwan). They are: Anthocoptes insulanaes sp. nov.(infesting Bridelia insulana), Aculus macrocarpae sp. nov.(infesting Mucuna macrocarpa), Tetra superbae sp. nov.(infesting Schima superba var. superba), Vittacus fissistigmae Wei &Kuang, 1997(infesting Fissistigma oldhamii), Abacarus tomentosus sp. nov.(infesting Bridelia tomentosa). Abacarus zuihoensus sp. nov.(infesting Machilus zuihoensis), Abacarus enimenis Huang, 2001(infesting Schefflera octophylla), Tegolophus eminentopus sp. nov.(infesting Machilus zuihoensis), Tegolophus polygonus sp. nov.(infesting Polygonum chinense), Tegolophus rubrae sp. nov.(infesting Psychotria rubra), Tegolophus melicopi sp. nov.(infesting Melicope semecarpifolia), and Tegolophus magnutuberclus sp. nov.(infesting Osmanthus matsumuranus). A key to the genera and species of Anthocoptini from Hueysuen is provided."
起訖頁 235-253
關鍵詞 花刺節蜱族新種惠蓀臺灣Anthocoptininew speciesHueysuenTaiwan
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200409 (46:3期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 以黃色水盤誘集調查新建熱帶雨林溫室的昆蟲相
該期刊-下一篇 東方果實蠅對馬拉松的生化抗性機制探討




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