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Using yellow water pans to study the insect fauna in a newly established climatron
作者 謝豐國謝森和陳吉同
為調查熱帶雨林溫室昆蟲相,利用20個盛有約1/3 - 1/4滿食鹽水之黃色水盤,固定放置於同一地點以誘集昆蟲。昆蟲分類鑑定至科(Family)為主,非昆蟲類則只分類至綱(Class)。調查期間共誘得昆蟲及非昆蟲分類群(taxa)52個,其中昆蟲有47個,所佔數量約84.4 %。就個體數而言,以同翅目最多,佔採得總數的38.5 %,其次為膜翅目17 %,其他為非昆蟲類約15.5 %,無法辨識者為0.1 %。同翅目中以粉蝨科(Aleyrodidae)個體數最多,佔同翅目已知科個體數量的54.4 %;其次為蚜蟲(Aphidoidea)佔31.7 %;介殼蟲佔9.6 %,綿癭蚜科(Eriosomatidae)佔4.1 %。膜翅目則以蟻科(Formicidae)數量最多,佔該目已知科個體數量的87.5 %,小蜂類(Chalcidoidea)個體數佔12.1 %。蝸牛類與蛞蝓(Pulmonata)個體數佔非昆蟲個體數的44.3 %,其中99 %為蝸牛類(snails);蟎類佔非昆蟲類個體的27.5 %。至於每目的分類群數(number of taxa),則以雙翅目為最多,共有11個分類群(或科),其次分別為膜翅目、同翅目與鞘翅目。另外以基本成分分析探討蟲種分佈與環境因子間的關係,發現蟲種的分佈主要是受水盤在溫室內所放位置高度的影響,至於水盤離溫室中心位置的距離、走道的遠近、及太陽的方位的影響則較小。
"Yellow water pans were used to trap insects and invertebrates in order to investigate the insect fauna in the newly established tropical rainforest climatron at the Botanical Garden of the National Museum of Natural Science, Taichung, Taiwan. Classification was determined to Order in insects and to Class in other invertebrates. In total, 52 taxa of trapped organisms were identified, among which, 47 taxa or 84.4 % were insects. Among these, 38.5 % of individuals were of the Homoptera, 17 % were of the Hymenoptera, and 15.5 % were other invertebrates. In the Homoptera, the Aleyrodidae had the most individuals by number at 54.4 %, with the Aphidoidea at 31.7 %, the Coccoidea at 9.6 %, and the Eriosomatidae at 4.1 %. As to the Hymenoptera, the Formicidae had the most abundant numbers at 87.5 %, with the Chalcidoidea at 12.1 %. The Pulmonata comprised the most non-insect individuals at 44.3 %, of which snails accounted for 99 %, and mites 27.5 %. In terms of the number of taxa, the order Diptera had 11, Hymenoptera had 8, and Homoptera and Coleoptera both had 5. Based on PCA analyses, the major factor affecting the spatial distribution of insects in relation to the climatron environment was height above the ground, while the decenter, orientation, and pathways were minor ones."
起訖頁 223-233
關鍵詞 熱帶雨林黃色水盤溫室昆蟲相climatronyellow water pangreenhouseinsect fauna
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200409 (46:3期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 隔離寄主時間對綠豆象(Callosobruchus chinensis)及四紋豆象(C. maculatus)雌蟲產卵與壽命之影響
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣產節蜱:十二種惠蓀林場花剌節蜱族(蟎蜱亞綱:節蜱總科:葉剌節蜱亞科)




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