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南加州三個地區溫室粉蝨(Trialeurodes vaporariorum)對兩種昆蟲生長調節劑布芬淨(buprofezin)及百利普芬(pyriproxyfen)感受性之研究
"Susceptibilities of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) collected from three different regions in Southern California to the two insect growth regulators, buprofezin and pyriproxyfen"
作者 段淑人Toscano, Nick (Toscano, Nick)Bi, J. L. (Bi, J. L.)Ballmer, Greg (Ballmer, Greg)
本文主旨在於探討南加州地區之溫室粉蝨(Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood)對兩種昆蟲生長調節劑(insect growth regulators)之感受性,藥效試驗於自然光線及恆定溫濕度之溫室內進行。百利普芬(pyriproxyfen)可干擾溫室粉蝨卵期的胚胎發育,而嚴重影響卵的孵化率,經噴灑不同濃度的百利普芬14天後,高濃度3.2及0.8μg AI/ml之處理組的卵粒完全受到抑制,三個不同地區的粉蝨均無孵化的若蟲產生;而低濃度0.02μg AI/ml之處理組的卵則有30.2-49.6 %不等的孵化率,並產生地區性的顯著性差異。Irvine地區成蟲所產的卵粒其孵化率較Oxnard地區Hails Rd.及Las Posas Rd.兩處的卵粒受到更嚴重的抑制,對照組均有98%以上的孵化率。百利普芬亦可阻礙若蟲的正常發育,即使0.2μg AI/ml之處理組有少數的卵粒孵化為若蟲,但在一齡若蟲期也全數死亡;而低濃度0.02μg AI/ml處理組的卵雖然有30 %以上的孵化率,可是在一、二齡的發育期間若蟲有82.3-94.7 %的死亡率。布芬淨(buprofezin)可干擾若蟲生長發育而產生致死的效果,施藥7天後,高濃度1050μg AI/ml可造成一齡若蟲74-81 %的死亡率,低濃度16.4μg AI/ml亦可造成28-35 %的死亡率; 14天後高濃度可造成98 %以上的若蟲死亡率,而次高濃度262.5μg AI/ml亦可造成88 %以上的死亡率。而存活的若蟲的生長發育均明顯地受到布芬淨的影響,僅少數發育至二齡。由半致死濃度結果可知,Oxnard Hails Rd.及Pas Losas Rd.的若蟲對布芬淨有極相似之感受性,可能因為此二處的地理位置較為鄰近,而Irvine地區的若蟲則具有較低的感受性,且與Oxnard二處的若蟲感受性間有顯著性的差異。布芬淨及百利普芬兩種昆蟲生長調節劑對溫室粉蝨的卵期及若蟲期均有良好的生長抑制效果,且對人畜毒性低,在粉蝨的綜合防治上應可推薦為輪替使用的安全性藥劑。
"The susceptibilities of the greenhouse whitefly, (Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood) collected from 3 locations in Southern California to the 2 insect growth regulators, buprofezin and pyriproxyfen, were evaluated in greenhouse experiments. Pyriproxyfen strongly suppressed embryogenesis and egg hatching. Topical applications of pyriproxyfen at rates of 3.2 and 0.8 μg AI/ml completely inhibited egg hatching, whereas the lowest rate of 0.02 μg AI/ml resulted in 30.2 %-49.6 % of eggs hatching. However, most of the surviving nymphs failed to develop into adults; 82.3 %-94.7 % of nymphs died during the 1^(st)- to 2^(nd) instar. The efficacy of pyriproxyfen against greenhouse whiteflies collected from Irvine County was higher than that against whiteflies from Hails Rd. and Las Posas Rd., Oxnard County. Buprofezin interfered with growth and development during all immature stages of whiteflies. On the 7^(th) day after application of buprofezin, the rate of 1050 μg AI/ml caused 74 %-81 % mortality of nymphs, whereas the lower rate of 16.4 μg AI/ml caused 28 %-35 % mortality. Buprofezin resulted in more than 99 % nymph mortality at the rate of 1050 μg AI/ml (0.5x the highest of recommended concentration on the label), and more than 88 % mortality at the rate of 262.5 μg AI/ml on the 14th day after application. Furthermore, all survivors suffered from retarded development and stopped growing at either the 1^(st) or 2^(nd) instar. The LC_(50) values of buprofezin to whiteflies collected from Irvine and Oxnard Counties in Southern California revealed that the susceptibilities of the greenhouse whiteflies showed significant regional differences. The variable susceptibilities observed to IGRs may be due to inherent differences among geographical populations. The potential role of these 2 IGRs in integrated management programs against greenhouse whitefly has been proven."
起訖頁 199-209
關鍵詞 溫室粉蝨昆蟲生長調節劑孵化率死亡率半致死濃度感受性Trialeurodes vaporarioruminsect growth regulatoregg hatching ratemortalityLC_(50)susceptibility
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200309 (45:3期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 番荔枝粉螟在不同食物中之發育繁殖及其羽化、交尾與產卵行為
該期刊-下一篇 水稻台農67號突變品系對褐飛蝨之反應及抗性遺傳之探討




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