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"Development and fecundity of the carob moth, Apomyelois ceratoniae, reared on different foods and its eclosion, mating, and ovipositing behavior"
作者 洪巧珍江碧媛王文龍
在25 ±1°C、70±5 % RH及12L:12D光照之定溫箱中,分別以杏仁片與玉米人工飼料飼育番荔枝粉螟(Apomyelois ceratoniae Zeller),每日觀察其生長發育與繁殖情形,結果以杏仁片飼育者死亡率高,幼蟲達8個齡期,雌、雄蛹體大小與重量均較以玉米人工飼料飼育者為低,繁殖力亦低,而不孕性比率與以玉米人工飼料飼育者相似達65.4%。以杏仁片與玉米人工飼料飼育番荔枝粉螟,其卵期分別為4.0±0.3、3.9±0.3日,幼蟲期分別為68.0±1 5.7、20.2±2.7日,雌與雄蛹期分別為9.8±1.5與9.2±1.6、7.9±0.4與7.8±0.8日,雌與雄成蟲壽命分別為10.6±5.2與11.4±4.5、16.5±3.4與9.6±4.8日,繁殖力分別為61.1±101.3、105.0±118.3卵/雌。換算兩者環境指數分別為2.60及9.93,顯示玉米人工飼料較適合番荔枝粉螟之發育與繁殖。番荔枝粉螟之雌蛹於黑暗前4 hr、雄蛹於黑暗前2 hr開始羽化,分別持續9及7 hr,於黑暗後1 hr達高峰,羽化率分別為52.4及45.7 %。雌、雄蟲發情交尾時刻發生於黑暗後7- 12 hr,於黑暗後9-10 hr達高峰。產卵主要發生於暗期,於暗後3 hr達高峰,產卵比率達產卵雌蟲之60.7 %。處女雌蟲終其一生發情率達85%,而每日平均發情率僅為28.6 %。配對雌蟲終其一生發情率達70%,交尾率達60 %。不同日齡雌、雄蟲配對24 hr後之交尾率以0及1日齡者較高,達25 -37.5 %。
"To compare development and fecundity of the carob moth, Apomyelois ceratoniae, tests were conducted where moths were reared on a corn artificial diet and almond slices at 25±1 °C and 70±5 % RH with a 12L: 12D photoperiod. The results showed that carob moth reared on almond slices had longer developmental periods, higher mortality of eggs and pupae, a greater number of larval instars, smaller body size and lower weight of pupae, and fewer eggs per female compared to those reared on the corn artificial diet; the infertility of females in the two groups was similar, at 72.7 % and 65.4 %, respectively. Developmental periods of eggs, larvae, and female and male pupae of carob moths reared on almond slices were 4.0±0.3, 68.0±15.7, 10.6±5.2, and 16.5±3.4 days; developmental periods for those reared on the corn artificial diet were 3.9±0.3, 21.4±4.9, 11.4±4.5, and 9.6±4.8 days, respectively. The longevity of female and male adults and fecundity of carob moths reared on almond slices were 10.6±5.2 and 16.5±3.4 days, and 61.1±101.3 eggs/female; corresponding values for carob moths reared on the corn artificial diet were 11.4±4. and 9.6±4.8 days, and 105.0±118.3 eggs/female, respectively. Based on the respective environmental indices of 2.60 and 9.93 for almond slices and corn artificial diet, the corn artificial diet was more suitable than almond slices for rearing carob moths. The following behaviors of carob moth adults were recorded. Eclosion of female and male pupae began at 4 and 2 h before lights off, and lasted 9 and 7 h, respectively. It reached a peak at 1 h after lights off, and rates of female and male eclosion were 52.4 % and 45.7 %, respectively. Calling and mating behavior of females and males began from 7 to 12 h after lights off. Peak calling and mating activity occurred at 9 to 10 h after light off. Oviposition took place mainly at night, and 60.7 % of fertilized females laid eggs within 3 h after lights off. The rate of virgin females calling in their lives was 85 %, however, the rate of calling per day was low, at 28.6 %. The rates of calling and mating in paired female's lives were 70 % and 60 %, respectively. When pairing with different-aged adult moths for 24 h, the peak mating activity was found within 0-1 days after eclosion, and the mating rate was 25 %-37.5 %."
起訖頁 185-197
關鍵詞 番荔枝粉螟人工飼料羽化交尾產卵carob mothApomyelois ceratoniaeartificial dieteclosionmatingoviposition
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200309 (45:3期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 番石榴網袋包與渦旋式誘蠅器在芒果園誘殺東方果實蠅之效果評估
該期刊-下一篇 南加州三個地區溫室粉蝨(Trialeurodes vaporariorum)對兩種昆蟲生長調節劑布芬淨(buprofezin)及百利普芬(pyriproxyfen)感受性之研究




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