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"Comparison of the effectiveness of different materials for attracting the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae)"
作者 何坤耀李後晶洪淑彬陳建忠 (Jian-Zhong Chen)
使用含毒甲基丁香油誘殺板誘殺,雖可降低番石榴之被害率及東方果實蠅(Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel))之卵孵化率,但防治效果尚未臻理想,宜再配合其他誘引質材之應用。渦旋式誘蠅器內置不含毒之甲基丁香油誘殺板,其效果較開放式之含毒甲基丁香油誘殺板為佳,因此採用渦旋式誘蠅器可使甲基丁香油滅雄法發揮較佳較長期之效果。比較渦旋式誘蠅器、高雄場型誘殺器與斜紋夜蛾偵測器,結果僅渦旋式誘蠅器能使用不含毒之甲基丁香油而誘得較多之雄蟲。在番石榴園利用改良型麥氏誘殺器裝盛蛋白質水解物毒餌之誘殺結果,誘殺之雌、雄量僅為果實網袋包誘餌的18.1及19.5%。單獨使用黃色或淺灰綠色粘板,對雌、雄蟲之誘殺效果並不理想,但於粘板內置入番石榴果餌即可增加誘殺效果。在蓮霧園測試番石榴果實網袋包外套粘板之誘殺結果,誘得之雌、雄蟲分別為空白粘板誘得之3.3與2.3倍。綜合比較各種質材之誘引效果,以渦旋式誘蠅器之誘雄效果最大,而誘雌效果則以番石榴網袋包外套粘板為最佳。
"Although the use of poisoned methyl eugenol fiber blocks does decrease the percentage of damaged fruits and the percentage of eggs hatched of the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), the overall control effectiveness is not significant, and it is necessary to combine this method with other materials. When we used nonpoisonous methyl eugenol blocks in a Victor fly trap, more males were caught than with the open-poisoned methyl eugenol block, and it produced better and longer annihilation efficiencies. Compared with the Kaohsiung and Monitoring type traps, only the Victor trap can use nonpoisonous methyl eugenol, and it catches more males. Poisoned protein hydrolysate bait in the improved McPhail trap in guava orchards caught only about 18.1% and 19.5% of females and males, respectively, of the Oriental fruit fly which were captured using the guava-sticky-bag. Using only the yellow or light gray-green sticky board did not effectively attract male and female flies so we had to add some fruit bait to it. When we did that, we obtained 3.3- and 2.3-fold greater yields of female and male flies, respectively, in a wax apple orchard. By comparing different materials, we found that the Victor trap was the most-effective trap for trapping male flies, while the guava-sticky-bag was best for trapping female flies."
起訖頁 117-126
關鍵詞 東方果實蠅甲基丁香油蛋白質水解物黃色粘板Bactrocera dorsalismethyl eugenolprotein hydrolysateyellow sticky board
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200306 (45:2期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 碾米與銷售環境對小包裝米害蟲發生之影響
該期刊-下一篇 獵蝽科雄性外性器(半翅目:異翅亞目)




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