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荔枝細蛾(Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley)之飼育技術及其羽化與交尾行為
"Rearing techniques, eclosion and mating behavior of litchi fruit borer, Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley (Lepidoptera : Gracillariidae)"
作者 洪巧珍江碧媛黃振聲
"荔枝細蛾(Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley)為荔枝與龍眼之重要害蟲,為應各種試驗蟲源之需,本研究先於室內建立荔枝細蛾採卵技術、接卵技術及幼蟲與成蟲飼育繁殖方法等。飼育時,以衛生紙包裹果實供荔枝細蛾產卵,並將卵置於高溼度中孵化,再接入不同食物中,於25±1℃,70±5 % RH及12L:12D光照週期的生長箱內,比較荔枝細蛾在荔枝種仁、荔枝嫩葉及代用寄主萊豆等不同天然飼料中之發育與繁殖情形。荔枝細蛾在荔枝種仁、荔枝嫩葉及萊豆中,其卵、幼蟲及蛹之發育期類似,以荔枝種仁飼育者其卵、幼蟲及蛹之發育期分別為2.8、10.3及7.1日,以荔枝嫩葉飼育者分別為3.0、9.9及6.7日,以代用寄主萊豆飼育者則分別為3.9、9.9及6.7日。以荔枝種仁及萊豆飼育者之雌、雄成蟲壽命相似,分別為19.3及20日、20.7及24日;以荔枝嫩葉飼育者較短,雌、雄成蟲壽命分別為13.0及6.5日。繁殖力以荔枝種仁飼育者較佳為234.8 eggs /♀,其次為以荔枝嫩葉飼育者為167.0 eggs /♀,而以萊豆飼育者較低為121.2 eggs /♀。從卵至成蟲羽化之存活率以荔枝種仁飼育者最高,達81.4 %;其次為以荔枝嫩葉飼育者為63.4 %,而以代用寄主萊豆飼育者最低,存活率僅為32.9 %。荔枝細蛾成蟲羽化時段主要發生於暗期,有96.7 %雌蛾及87.6 %雄蛾羽化;其於暗後3 hr達羽化高峰,此時雌、雄蛹羽化率分別達23.4及19.5 %。荔枝細蛾雌、雄蛾交尾行為發生於暗後7- 10 hr,於暗後8 - 9 hr達高峰,以2日齡表現交尾行為所佔比率較高,暗後8及9 hr表現交尾行為比率皆達36 %。荔枝細蛾不同日齡雌、雄蛾經配對24 hr後之交尾率介於0 - 47.9 %,以3日齡較高達47.9 %。 The litchi fruit borer (LFB), Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley, is a key pest of litchi and longan in Taiwan. In order to supply insects for various experimental tests, the rearing techniques of LFB, including egg collection, transference of neonate larvae to foods, and rearing methods of larva, pupa and adults, were developed in this research. The rearing methods of LFB were fist to wrap fresh fruit fruits of litchi and longan with tissue paper to collect eggs, and place egg paper in high relative humidity (ca. 100 % RH) to keep neonate larvae alive, and then transferred them into different foods. To compare the development and fecundity of LFB rearing on different foods, including litchi fruit kernel, litchi shoot leaves, and substitutive host-lima bean, were conducted at 25±1℃, 70±5 % RH, 12L:12D photoperiod. The developmental periods of LFB reared on litchi fruit kernel, litchi shoot leaves and lima bean were similar. The stage of egg, larva and pupa of LFB reared on litchi fruit kernel, litchi shoot leaves and lima bean were 2.8, 10.3 and 7.1 days; 3.0, 9.9 and 6.7 days; and 3.9, 9.9 and 6.7days, respectively. The male and female longevity of LFB reared on litchi fruit kernel and lima bean were similar, 20 and 19.3 days, 24 and 20.7 days, where those reared on litchi shoot leaves was shorter, 6.5 and 13.0 days, respectively. The fecundity of LFB reared on litchi fruit kernel, 234.8 eggs /♀, was more than those reared on litchi shoot leaves ( 167.0 eggs /♀) and lima bean (121.2 eggs /♀). The survival rate of LFB reared on litchi fruit kernel, 81.4 %, was the highest, and then those reared on litchi shoot leaves (63.4 %), and those reared on lima bean were lower, 32.9 %. Eclosion of LFB was found mainly in dark, when 96.7 % of females and 87.6 % of males eclosed in dark. A peak of eclosion was at 3 hrs after dark, the rate of male and female eclosion were 23.4 and 19.5 %, respectively. The mating behavior of LFB was found in 7 - 10 hrs after dark, and reached a peak at 8 - 9 hrs after dark. Two-day-old moths performed higher rate of mating behavior than others. The rate of performing mating behavior at 8 and 9 hrs after dark reached to 36 %. Pairing with different ages of adult moths for 24 hrs, the mating rate was between 0 and 47.9 %, and 3-day-old moths gave the highest mating rate, 47.9 %."
"The litchi fruit borer (LFB), Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley, is a key pest of litchi and longan in Taiwan. In order to supply insects for various experimental tests, the rearing techniques of LFB, including egg collection, transference of neonate larvae to foods, and rearing methods of larva, pupa and adults, were developed in this research. The rearing methods of LFB were fist to wrap fresh fruit fruits of litchi and longan with tissue paper to collect eggs, and place egg paper in high relative humidity (ca. 100 % RH) to keep neonate larvae alive, and then transferred them into different foods. To compare the development and fecundity of LFB rearing on different foods, including litchi fruit kernel, litchi shoot leaves, and substitutive host-lima bean, were conducted at 25±1℃, 70±5 % RH, 12L:12D photoperiod. The developmental periods of LFB reared on litchi fruit kernel, litchi shoot leaves and lima bean were similar. The stage of egg, larva and pupa of LFB reared on litchi fruit kernel, litchi shoot leaves and lima bean were 2.8, 10.3 and 7.1 days; 3.0, 9.9 and 6.7 days; and 3.9, 9.9 and 6.7days, respectively. The male and female longevity of LFB reared on litchi fruit kernel and lima bean were similar, 20 and 19.3 days, 24 and 20.7 days, where those reared on litchi shoot leaves was shorter, 6.5 and 13.0 days, respectively. The fecundity of LFB reared on litchi fruit kernel, 234.8 eggs /♀, was more than those reared on litchi shoot leaves ( 167.0 eggs /♀) and lima bean (121.2 eggs /♀). The survival rate of LFB reared on litchi fruit kernel, 81.4 %, was the highest, and then those reared on litchi shoot leaves (63.4 %), and those reared on lima bean were lower, 32.9 %. Eclosion of LFB was found mainly in dark, when 96.7 % of females and 87.6 % of males eclosed in dark. A peak of eclosion was at 3 hrs after dark, the rate of male and female eclosion were 23.4 and 19.5 %, respectively. The mating behavior of LFB was found in 7 - 10 hrs after dark, and reached a peak at 8 - 9 hrs after dark. Two-day-old moths performed higher rate of mating behavior than others. The rate of performing mating behavior at 8 and 9 hrs after dark reached to 36 %. Pairing with different ages of adult moths for 24 hrs, the mating rate was between 0 and 47.9 %, and 3-day-old moths gave the highest mating rate, 47.9 %."
起訖頁 89-99
關鍵詞 荔枝細蛾飼育行為羽化交尾litchi fruit borerConopomorpha sinensisrearingbehavioreclosionmating
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200206 (44:2期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 山藥冷凍乾燥粉對大鼠28天餵飼之安全性評估
該期刊-下一篇 氣候與修剪對高雄市菩提扁粉蝨族群變動之影響




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