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不同定溫下欒樹圓尾蚜(Periphyllus koelreuteriae(Takahashi))多型態各型蚜之發育、存活及繁殖
"Development, survival and fecundity of polymorphic forms of Periphyllus koelreuteriae (Takahashi) at various constant temperatures"
作者 林怡君 (I-Chun Lin)劉玉章郭美華
欒樹圓尾蚜Periphyllus koelreuteriae(Takahashi)屬不轉換寄主蚜蟲,可行完全生活環,生活史中具卵、幹母、越夏型、正常型、卵生雌蚜及雄蚜等多態型。為瞭解溫度對欒樹圓尾蚜各型蚜發育、存活及繁殖之影響,乃著手進行5℃-30℃不同定溫下之試驗。各型蚜發育所需之時間皆隨溫度升高而縮短,唯卵於5℃及25℃-30℃無法孵化,卵之存活範圍在10℃-20℃之間,存活率在53.33-66.67%之間;幹母於低溫5℃-10℃及溫度25℃-30℃無法存活,存活範圍僅在15-20℃之間,存活率以20℃之41.48%為最高;而越夏型於5℃-15℃無法存活,存活範圍僅限於20-25℃,以25℃之33.33%為最高;卵生雌蚜及雄蚜於5-25℃下皆可存活,存活率前者以10-20℃時最高,後者以15-25℃時最高;正常型之存活範圍較廣,於5-30℃下均可存活,而以15-25℃時之存活率最高可達100%。各型蚜發育時間於20℃時,以卵期30.00天為最長、幹母幼期發育所需時間20.71天,越夏型需時22.17天,與其他各型蚜發育時間(12.90-14.07天)間具顯著差異。20℃時各型蚜成蟲壽命均介於7.50-14.28天之間,25℃時則介於4.14-9.60天之間,各型蚜壽命間並無顯著差異,但5℃時以正常型成蟲壽命19.78天為最長,遠較卵生雌蚜之3.00天及雄蚜之2.00天為長;而10℃時,正常型成蟲壽命23.42天及卵生雌蚜之成蟲壽命15.68天明顯較雄蚜之4.89天為長;於15℃時,以正常型之27.34天及幹母之18.80天較卵生雌蚜之10.13天及雄蚜之8.38天為長。5-15℃各型蚜之繁殖率間無顯著差異;20℃時,繁殖率以幹母及正常型之45.43隻子代/雌蚜及35.07隻子代/雌蚜明顯較越夏型及卵生雌蚜之9.40隻子代/雌蚜及3.06卵/雌蚜為高;而25℃時以正常型之31.34隻子代/雌蚜及越夏型之25.00隻子代/雌蚜為最高。
"Periphyllus koelreuteriae (Takahashi) was monoecious aphid, completes it's holocyclic life cycle on the host plant all year round. It has egg, fundatrix, aestivating form, normal form, oviparous female and male etc. different polymorphic forms of life cycle. Developmental time, survival rate and fecundity of polymorphic forms were studied from 5 ℃ to 30 ℃ at intervals of five degrees. The developmental time of juvenile stages of different polymorphic forms was shortened with increasing temperature. Result showed that the eggs could not hatched at 5℃ or above 25℃; survival range between 10 to 20℃, survival rate between 53.33 to 66.67%; and the fundatrix could not completed their development at 5 to 10℃ or above 25℃; survival range between 15 to 20℃, with the highest survival rate of 41.48% at 20℃. The surviving temperature for aestivating form was confined only from 20℃ to 25℃, with the highest survival rate of 33.33% at 25℃. The survival temperature of oviparous female and male ranged from 5℃ to 25℃, with the highest rate at 10℃ to 20℃ for the former and at 15℃ to 25℃ for the latter. The survival rate varied widely from 5℃ to 30℃ for the normal form, with the highest rate 100% at 15℃to 25℃. At 20℃, the longest hatching time of eggs required30 days; the fundatrix required 20.71 days to complete their development, while the aestivating form required 22.17 days; and the development time of juvenile stages of normal form, oviparous female and male required 12.90 to 14.07 days respectively, there was significantly different at 20℃. The longevity of different forms of adults ranged from 7.5 to 14.28 days at 20℃, and 4.14 to 9.60 days at 25℃ and the differences among the forms were not significant at either temperature. The adult longevity for the normal form was the longest, 19.78 days, at 5℃, much longer than those of the oviparous female (3 days) and male (2 days); at 10℃, the longevity of normal form and oviparous female was significantly longer than that of the male. At 15℃, the longevity of the normal form (27.34 days) and the fundatrix (18.80 days) were longer than that of the oviparous female (10.13 days) and the male. The adult fecundity was not significantly different form 5℃ to 15℃. However, the fecundity of the fundatrix (45.43 offspring/female) and normal form (35.07 offspring/female) was higher than that of the aestivating form (9.40 offspring/female) and the oviparous female (3.06 egg/female) at 20℃. At 25℃, both the normal form and aestivating form had the highest fecundity, 31.34 and 25.00 offspring/female, respectively."
起訖頁 95-104
關鍵詞 欒樹圓尾蚜多態型發育存活繁殖Periphyllus koelreuteriae (Takahashi)polymorphic formsdevelopmentsurvivalfecundity
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200106 (43:2期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 觀賞五指茄新病害──捲葉嵌紋病
該期刊-下一篇 橫山梨果腐病之病因及病原菌藥劑感受性測定




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