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A novel leaf curl mosaic disease of nipplefruit (Solanum mammosum L.) in Taiwan
作者 陳滄海王文磊
1993年在台灣屏東地區首度發現田間觀賞用五指茄(Solanum mammosumL.)出現葉片嚴重嵌紋向上捲曲變形及果實嵌紋等病徵,此為本病在台灣地區發生之首次報導。病原病毒為長絲狀,長度約830-860 nm,以電顯觀察五指茄罹病葉之超薄切片,可於細胞質發現風車狀(pinwheels)和板狀(laminated aggregates)內含體。罹病五指茄葉片粗汁液無法機械接種成功,但罹病葉之部分純化液卻可機械傳播,而假嫁接(Pseudo-grafting)接種成功率可達60%以上。7科31種機械接種供試植物,僅五指茄會罹病並表現與田間相同之捲葉嵌紋病徵。病原病毒似乎無法藉桃蚜及棉蚜媒介傳播,亦無種媒傳播現象。瓊脂雙向擴散反應結果顯示本病病原病毒僅與五種Potyvirus屬病毒中之Pepper veinal mottle virus(PVMV)及Potato Y virus(PVY)二種有很微弱之反應,至於Zucchini yellowmosaic virus、Turnip mosaic virus、Papaya ringspot virus等其餘三種則皆無反應。以上證據顯示屏東地區之五指茄捲葉嵌紋病之病原應屬Potyviridae科之一種,特性與已知會感染茄科植物之病毒迥異,且為國內外所未見,故暫時定名為五指茄捲葉嵌紋病毒(Nipplefruit leaf curl mosaic virus)。
"A previously unreported virus disease that caused severe leaf curl mosaic and fruit mosaic on nipplefruit (Solanum mammosum) was found in 1993 at Pingtung, Taiwan. Flexuous rod-shaped particles with a normal length of 830-860 nm were observed in leaf-dip extracts and partially purified preparations of infected leaves. Pinwheel-shaped and laminated inclusion bodies typical of potyvirus infection were found in leaf of infected nipplefruit plant. The virus was readily transmitted by mechanical inoculation with partially purified preparations of infected plants and could be pseudo-grafted with an infection rate of 60%, but might not be transmitted by peach aphid and cotton aphid in a nonpersistent or persistent manner. It had a very narrow host range restricted to Solanum mammosum among 31 tested plant species belonging to 7 families. No seed transmission could be evidenced. In the Ouchterlony test the virus showed very faint reaction with antisera to two potyvirus, Pepper veinal mottle virus and Potato Y virus. No reactions were observed with antisera to Papaya ringspot virus, Turnip mosaic virus and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus. Based on the characteristic shown above we concluded that leaf curl mosaic of nipplefruit found in southern Taiwan may be caused by a new potyvirus and the tentative name nipplefruit leaf curl mosaic virus is proposed."
起訖頁 83-93
關鍵詞 五指茄捲葉嵌紋病PotyvirusnipplefruitSolanum mammosumleaf curl mosaic diseasepotyvirus
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200106 (43:2期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 樟白輪蚧(Aulacaspis yabunikkei)在樟樹上之空間分布及取樣技術
該期刊-下一篇 不同定溫下欒樹圓尾蚜(Periphyllus koelreuteriae(Takahashi))多型態各型蚜之發育、存活及繁殖




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